Kanto - Afterword

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Kanto - Afterword


This is a disclaimer for my readers. This should be an appropriate time to tell you guys since Fated's been getting more followers and favourites as of recent. Plus, Johto.


This story IS LONG. Like obscenely long. Like years long.

It's a retelling of Ash's entire journey sprinkled with FSN so it takes times. The subsequent regions story arcs may get less chapters but that's due to my Kanto parts being short as a fledging writer. As time goes on, the chapters will gradually get longer, thus, decreasing the time needed for things to move along.

Now, why am I saying this?

It's cuz this is an Amourshipping fic. And I know most of y'all are here for the fluff and sweet moments.

But I'll be perfectly blunt and honest here:

It takes a long time to reach that part.

There's a few benefits from this such as when the small sweet moments do come up, its more impactful but just enough to sate the mind. And once the actual fluff comes, mark my words, I'm going all out.

Prologue 2: The Start of a Dream. The last words:

One must wait continuously

One must pursue endlessly

Is no joke. It's not fancy words that mean nothing. It's legit close to an endless journey for Ash to reach Serena.

In a meta sense, Ash is feeling what the readers are feeling. He wants to reunite with Serena just like the readers, but the damn author (heh) updates irregularly so his story slows. Combined that with the foes he faces in an arguably difficult fanfic to live in, and you get Fated.

It's not a story about Pokemon. Not about the battles or the powers.

It's about a boy who just wants to be with a girl.

A story of fate.

And when that time comes, Ash, Serena and the readers are rewarded.

So, I get it if you guys are wondering about future parts. Trust me, I myself am holding back A LOT.


Imagine if I had started Fated with an already established and peak Fated!Ash, wouldn't that be confusing af?

AURA Projections? Since when can Ash do that?

This Ash doesn't make sense, or this fanfic world is so confusing, idk what's going on!

A lot of readers would be confused as shit. So that's why I'm taking the time to go through every region JUST to reach peak Fated!Ash that I am DYING to write.


Once again, I understand if you guys are turned off by this fic and want to stop reading. It's understandable. That being said, once we've reached the promised good stuff, the 'reward', I swear I'm gonna do my absolute best to write that sweet payoff:

The reunion.


With that, see you all in Johto!

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now