Chapter 78: Homecoming

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Author's Notes

Hey, all! One more chapter before the month ends. And before M03!

As such, this chapter's more of a setup/preparation chapter with some good ol' worldbuilding.

This one's a bit of a pain in the ass to write since it jumps locations A LOT. So fair warning.

But it's over now! I can finally start writing the good part!

There's a conclusion to a certain character's mini arc in the middle so be sure to read that part.

Also, also! There's no Ash this chapter! He just get brought up a lot. Dude's AWOL until next chapter.

And now, reviews!

Tainan republic:
Nice chapter you cooked up

He's just so cute, like the baby carrier and the game boy is just so adorable, like I drew him playing the game boy and my heart is just about burst. And the interaction between Serena and it just had me TLDR: cuteness overload and I should probably see a cardiologist to calm my heart

When did bro start using hood slang? Also, crazy ash go brrrrr. I wonder what he's gonna forge? (cough, cough, it's a sword isn't it? Cough, cough). The wall smashing reminds me of a certain anime with cream puffs and a buff ass Harry Potter *bling bang bang boom intensifies*

Damn she's a bitch, like your description of her fits her down to a t. Like holy hell, how is she a gym leader and the absolute power abuse is just insane to be honest. Glad ash handed her ass back to her. She really needed the humbling

The entire fandom feels the same way bro, everyone.

Good luck with the revision with legends za, o7

O7 to the goat and godfather of anime/manga, Akira Toriyama

o7 to Goatyama. Dude's last chapter was the first time I've ever read Dragon Ball and it's surprising cool. I know the characters so it wasn't as if I was lost, but the Beast form was new so that surprised me. Pan and Goku interaction was cute too.

With that being said, there's a small reference about DB in this chapter so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Larvitar being cute is a given. I have a baby cousin who's just the cutest thing in the world and she's what I based Larvitar on. God, she's cute.

Ash using hood slang is a funny quirk of his. I think I've said before that Ash had somewhat of a hood upbringing with the amount of fights he got into and because of his rather 'old man' speech like 'ain't', it's just a quirk he has. Who knows? It might infect others...

As for the forge stuff, you're gonna hafta wait next chapter.

As for Whitney, I'm surprised you guys enjoy bitchy Whitney but I'm not complaining.
I can make a case for Giovanni's redemption since the manga shows it but somehow, I really didn't want Whitney to be a 'good' person. Glad people like it, lmao.

All hail, Bill!

Legends ZA is just the beginning. Now I dread the day when Legends Eternatus gets ann... FUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!

HOLD UP! Backtrack a little.
I did not expect Whitney to be the one that corners Ash. But, hello? The battle? (High on excitement). Tbh, I came to this story for Amour, and I thought that would be the only thing that's highlighted in the story. But it's the battles that get me high on adrenaline. Idek how that's possible, but reading your action scenes always require like four reads because I get so high on emotions and forget to actually understand.
But I think it's your writing style that draw me in, like, the use of bold, italics and putting a sentence in the centre makes all the difference since I imagine as I read. Like reading bold words gets rid of all the background things happening with the story in my head and focuses solely on the character - in the end it turns out to be like a movie/anime scene in my head, and it's so cool. You write in a way that it's impossible for the readers to imagine anything else than what you want them to imagine, if that makes sense.
Also, the trainers scale!
How would you rate Blue and Ash?
Idk what you put in chapter 77 but I've read it 7 times now, it's the only thing that goes through my head. I've read so many fanfictions, all with great lore but mediocre writing, so you imagine my excitement when I FINALLY found a story that I actually like. It's gotten to the point I can't read any other battles because they don't seem satisfactory. And if the battles are so great and THEY AREN'T EVEN THE MAIN FOCUS OF THE STORY imagine how mind fucking the best part will be (gets shivers through the body again).
All hail Bill! He's the greatest guy around! More Amour moments, let's go!

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