Chapter 61: Orange Finale

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Author's Notes (16)


Yo, been a while. Just one more week... And I'll be free of these damn exams.

Okay, time for some recaps:

Paldea. Y'know wat? I'll interweave their introductions into Serena's POV since our favorite honey blonde needs story arcs of her own, and from what most have mentioned, the school is a perfect setting for that.

That's right, you guys get your Goku sooner than later!

As for Ash becoming a teacher in Paldea... Yeah, sorry. The dude's main priority now is reuniting with Serena so any extra roles he could be taking will have to wait for a loooonnnnggg time.

Gotta say folks, this ain't my best work. This chapter's mostly a recap of the previous chapter and its aftermath while setting up the juicy Orange Island finale; hence the name. The creative juices ain't flowing in this one so forgive me.

As for M02, I admit the latter half was kinda rushed. Lugia may be fighting a 1v3 but I feel like I didn't showcase its powers clearly, but hey, at least it didn't go down like a chump after a few electric shocks. Plus, Carnwennan taking most of the screentime was a problem in hindsight.

The problem with Fated is that its a very perspective-heavy story, and as such, we're gonna be going juggling POVs a lot. And that's on me, I screwed myself over. So, once we reach Johto and beyond, I'll most likely revisit M02 and add in some things. They won't add anything to the plot but I wanna give my respects to Lugia and Melody's characters since I felt kinda bad cutting down their screentime. Everyone needs their justice, goddamnit!

And that's the thing with Fated. No one gets disrespected, at least not intentionally.

That's why, MegaSalamence, my dude, I can tell you really dislike SwSh characters and that's fine since... the games and anime were... that.

So, I get it. But, just like how SV characters shine, I wanna give SwSh their justice since this whole fic is created with that gen as its basis. I mean, Arthurian lore in Pokemon is just a raw idea. So yeah. No killing off characters unless its necessary.

Fun fact: some of the Fated characters are templates of Fate/stay night characters.

We know Ash = Shirou, Serena = Saber with a dash of some Rin, but Kimia is actually based on Luvia due to their similarities. So, better get those theories working on the little things like who's the Illya/Chloe/Miyu of Fated to the OMEGA HUGE things like who is the ORT of Fated.

Goldie... well, he's kinda a complicated case.

Before we get into the questions:

*Obligatory proud and smug face on the 'Power of One' wordplay.*

Now, onwards to da QnA.


From f46adpg:

Arceus not being the creator and more like an overseer somewhat confuses me.


Yeah, about that. There's too little feats for Arceus to be considered a God-like Pokemon. I mean, seeing is believing, right? Hell, I would argue the creation trio felt more powerful than Arceus for crying out loud. The only reason they were lacking in Arceus' movie is cuz of plot. That's just my opinion.

A meteor shower like in the movies isn't gonna cut it in Fated's absurd powerscaling. So, in Fated, Arceus gets expanded.

And I mean, EXPANDED. I likened it to a Lovecraftian God due to how absurd the wording in Arceus' canon lore is.

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