Chapter 41: MIND'S EYE

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Chapter 41: Mind's Eye

The rest of the tournament went by quickly. Mostly due to the fact it consisted of Elite Four members steamrolling the veteran Trainers with ease. The only pair to take longer than 20 minutes was Grant vs Ilima.

For the Quarterfinals, the current brackets were as followed:

Lorelei vs Red

Green vs Blue

Bruno vs Agatha

Grant vs Lance

The victors would then proceed to the Semi-finals, with only 4 winners.

After the final match of Day 1, the audience cleared the stadium and accommodated the multiple hotels or the Pokémon Centre.

After the conclusion of the first day, the students of Pokémon Academy cleared the hall and returned home at dawn. They would reconvene at night due to the time differences.

Vaniville Town.

"Maaaan… Those Elite Four guys are way too strong," Tierno sighed in resignation. The large boy could hardly fathom the strength displayed by Lance as he overpowered his cousin, Clair.

For all the Elite Four members' battles, not even one of them had a single Pokémon defeated.

Calem balled his fists as he recalled every previous battle in excitement. He was in awe at the skills shown during the first day.

Ash's unpredictability bordering on insanity. Gary's cold and calculative tactics that maximized efficiency. As well as Blue's rhapsody-like style of expressive freedom.

They were all amazing and the black-haired boy was still in disbelief that the Pallet Town trio were the same age as him and his friends.

Meanwhile, Shauna was relentlessly hounding Serena for more stories about her and Ash. The honey blonde chuckled nervously at the bundle of energy that was her friend.

"There was one time when I told Red that I haven't seen the ocean before. And the moment I did, he promised me that he'll take me there!" Serena recounted with a blush on her face.

"Now that I know how that Red looks like, I can definitely see him doing that," the tanned girl said.

To say Tierno was not thrilled to hear more about Ash was an understatement. The boy was beginning to feel jealous over the raven-haired boy who had made the girl he liked smile so much.

"But isn't his next match against an Elite Four member? Do you really think he has a chance?" Tierno asked, furrowing his brows in annoyance lest he heard more about Serena's childhood with Ash.

Although the honey blonde was confident about the raven-haired boy's strength, she could not give an answer after witnessing the Elite Four's overwhelming power against the veteran Trainers.

The room was filled with silence…

Before Grace spoke out.

"Well, if that Green boy could beat an Elite Four candidate, whose to say Ash couldn't?"

Serena turned towards her mother, who gave a wink to her daughter. The girl lit up with glee and nodded at her statement.

"Speaking of which, Serena. How long do you think Ash is gonna take to see you again?" Grace asked.

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now