Chapter 19: RESTART

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Chapter 19: Restart

A pair of deep blue eyes fluttered open.

'Where… am I…?'

Blue Leaf had awoken from her slumber.

Her forehead was stamped by a gauze.

The first sight she saw…

Was her Pokémon bawling their eyes out.

The girl jolted up.

"Wargh! I remember now!" she exclaimed aloud.

"I went… into Eevee's dream."

Tilting her head towards her sobbing Pokémon…

She smiled tenderly.

"Aww, I'm sorry for making you all worry," she apologized.

"No kidding, Captain Obvious," a voice beside her snarked.

It was Ash.

Still wearing his tattered clothes but without any bandages.

Pikachu still perched on his shoulder.

And boy wearing a relieved grin.

"Red?!" the girl blurted out.

"Why are you here?!"

"Ivy and Haunty came looking for me," the boy answered.

"Then I found you passed out on your bed and carried you to Nurse Joy."

Blue was dumbfounded.

"So where am I now?" Blue asked again.

"Hospital," Ash simply answered, deadpanned.

Blue comically fell back on her bed.

"Of course…," she groaned.

A few days later, Blue was ready to be discharged.

Her doctor sharing his results to her.

"You were lucky, Miss Leaf," he stated.

"Events occurring within shared dreams can be reflected upon one's body as well since the brain perceives said events as 'reality'," the doctor continued explaining her situation.

"In simple terms, take your injury for example."

"The wound was not made by external means but rather by your skin splitting from within."

Blue touched the gauze, remembering Eevee's [Swift].

The doctor held Agatha's book in hand.

Shared Lives, its title.

"As I'm sure, this book mentioned multiple cases where people were unable to return from their dream," he said with a firm tone.

"Never do such a thing ever again."

The doctor scolded the girl.

"Think of how your Pokémon would suffer, knowing they could have potentially… injured their Trainer," he reasoned, not wanting to use the word 'killed'.

Blue and Eevee understood where the man was coming from and bowed their heads apologizing.

Finally discharged, Blue went outside and summoned her Pokémon.

"Haunty… everyone… I'm sorry," she apologized, especially towards Haunty.

"I promise you all…"

"That I will definitely become a Trainer you can all rely on!" she declared with a determined expression.

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now