Chapter 68: A Thousand Arrows

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Author's Notes


Welcome back to the whacky fanfic with a sleep-deprived author where shit gets crazier and crazier each time.
This time, we have Serena showing off as the other half of our power couple: Amour!

I was really planning to go all out this chapter, but then, it'd ruin a lot of surprises down the line so I decided to take my time and controlled myself.
But at least, you guys get something GOOD this chapter and next chapter (hehe, 69) is where we'll scratch the surface of the underlying story of Fated.
Lore, people! We need LORE!

By the way, lemme confirm some things from last chapter:
Yep, Ash is getting Larvitar early. You guys already guess it so there's no point keeping it a secret.

Review corner time!

Rajiv A. Rajaram:
Great chapter with a capture and some villain work on Serena's end. Like the moment with team rocket as well. Based on what you said about Charizard I guess you're making him stay in the valley too? Kinda sad but I suppose a needed way to remove him from the story for a while for others to shine.

Thanks for the review, man. And unfortunately, yes. I've said in a previous chapter that Johto's his time to shine.
However, to make him shine, we gotta make sure he enters his own training arc before returning to Ash.
Charizard is gonna get stronger for sure but...

I did say Ash is going to catch Ls A LOT from now on, didn't I?


This book is definitely my favorite Pokémon Ash Fanfic. I just love how masterfully you have handle every character. Blue's inferiority complex, Gary's thrust for power, Ash's distorted mind. Just beautiful. And Serena was a handle much better than any other Serena in other fanfics that I have read. Addition of Brendon was a treat and watching my favorite character Alain in action even it was for a little time was still good for me. I am very excited when he joins Flare to save Marini Chespin and how much if will effect everybody given most of the Kalos group is much more closer to him then original. Heracross was expected and making will Pokémon more realistic was a good move. But I did not see Larvitar this early in the story. It's a nice because Ash has to raise a Pokémon very distrustful of other humans and Larvitar lost It's mother just like Ash lost his own mother. The Team Flare admis being Valkyrie's does make them more interesting because I never cared about Team Flare except Malva and Lysander. Wish there were more interactions with Casey but I am sure you have something in plane. Also loved the contast reference. However please make sure Misty gets a goal of her own and a driving force to reach her dream.

Now for the real topic. Normally I don't leave reviews by the previous chapter was something else. I could have never imagined M[02] and this chapter would related like this. Ash reacting to CANON ASH, at first I don't thought it was just for fun and not nesscery so I bruished off but after rereading the entire M[02] , I finally connected the dots and figured it out from which timeline he belongs. The reaction was the foreshadowing for Archers eventual path of misery and UBW. Truly the "Orginal" Ones Slave. Absolutely fantastic work


Thanks for the review, Mr Guest! Seeing readers enjoy this (arguably) crackfic I wrote on a whim really makes me happy. I hope to keep y'all entertained for long!

Larvitar: Him distrusting humans is a given. However, Ash is not the only one who's gonna help regarding that.

Omake: Glad you find it interesting. Currently, Fated!Ash isn't really 'emotionally stable' at this point in time so him reacting towards Canon!Ash is more of a parallel to his internal outburst when he was about to lose against Lorelei (Nine Strikes chapter).

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