Chapter 73: Nearing The Edge

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Author's Notes

Happy December, folks!

Before we begin, I would like to tell y'all that Fated: Grimoires of Knowledge just got its first entry! What is that, you ask?

Well, it's a wiki of sorts so that people wouldn't get lost reading this convoluted crack of a fic and have to backtrack for info or earlier ATL Entries/Lore Explanations. For readers:-Right now, it's in my Author's Profile since I don't really use it. And, our first entry is Ash himself! It's only him for now but if there's anything you want me to add for him, do let me know. And then, I'll continue writing more entries for the wiki so it might take away some time from writing but, eh. This story's pretty ambitious so I think a wiki is warranted.

And as for wattpad readers it will be uploaded in a new book.

Now, Question: Would you like Grimoires to be continuously updated on my Profile or would you guys rather it be a fic itself? Of course, no one other than Fated readers are gonna read it since there's 0 context. But do tell me, I'm comfortable with anything.

Onto the actual notes!

Hoooo, boy.

This chapter, we're gonna see Ash on demon time. You're gonna see what happens to a mfker high on Serenanium.

Additionally, I'm introducing a new mechanic in Fated to spice up the battles in the future. Gonna talk about it more below.

Speaking of mechanics, I realized I haven't explain much about Clutch Critical and Aeos much so that's my bad, honestly. Aeos probably requires more explanation.

Clutch Critical is... well...
...Anyone watches Jujutsu Kaisen? Yeah.


Rajiv A. Rajaram:

Another chapter where you gotta feel for Ash. Dude suffers a lot especially with his need to always put himself on the line for others. The moment with Serena was deffo needed to give him some form of strength and confidence. Looking forward to the battle next chapter and some more battle crazy Ash, which is when he's at his most interesting imo.

Another entertaining read, Rajiv. You know what's the worst part?
This is just the beginning. Fated's never going to be kind to Ash as stated in the previous chapter.
The story doesn't help Ash in the sense where he 'wins' narratively. Don't get me wrong, he does win a lot; but the 'price' for that 'win' is messed up. (Remember what I said about Ash risking losing people)
As for battle-crazy Ash, demon time is happening this chapter!

Arthropod Fan:


No, like actually. I fucking love that thing to death, and it's Serena's ace in every single version of events except the anime

Oh, it's happening, don't worry about that. Coincidentally, I am also thinking of how to give Serena her own Absol.

Does she get it via Egg or in the wildy?

Oh well. Gonna hit the drawing board for this one.

But even then, it'll probably happen in Hoenn since y'know, Hoenn mon and all.

And see ya below!




Chapter 73: Nearing The Edge

Pokémon Academy, Kalos Region

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now