Chapter 16: BLUE (3)

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Chapter 16: Blue (3)

Blue could only stand there in sorrow.

'I already knew…'

'That there was no such thing…'

'As something that never changes.'

She recalled the memory of Gary giving Eevee to her.

'If, back then, I had put my foot down…'

'Would things have been different?'

A newscaster's report echoed in her mind.

"Two children were seen breaking into Silph Co…"

'If I had stopped them back then…'

'Maybe we would have been spared from this suffering…'

'I don't know.'

'I don't know.'

'I don't know.'

'It doesn't matter to me.'

'For I am someone who couldn't even become a Trainer…'

The words whispered back into her head.

'Whoever heard of a Trainer scared to even touch Pokémon?'

'I don't have the ability to change anything.'

She cried again.

Powerlessness and misery were her company.

She left the hospital and retreated to Saffron Park.


Ivy popped from his Ball.

His back turned away from his Trainer.

"Ivy?" she whispered as her eyes were red from all the crying she had to deal with for the past month.

The starter reached out a vine towards her.

Still not facing his Trainer.

Flinching, Blue took a step back.

But as she looked closer…

Ivy's vine was visibly trembling.

Just as the girl's hands.

It was then Blue realized.

Her deep blue eyes widened.

'It wasn't just me…'

"Were you… afraid…?"

"All this time?" she muttered quietly.

But it was loud enough.

Ivy turned his head towards her.

Tears running amok in his eyes.

She wasted no time.

She removed her gloves in a flash…

And hugged her Pokémon for the very first time.

'It was so simple…'

'It was always there.'

Her phobia of Pokémon wasn't a fear of the creatures themselves.

It was the fear of rejection.

And the girl finally realized it.

She cried again.

This time, she wasn't alone.

Wiping the tears from her Pokémon's eyes.

She thanked him.

She knew what to do now.

She had someone to save.

"Haunty, I'll leave it to you, OK?" Blue smiled, reassuring the purple ghost.

Blue prepared to sleep next to Eevee on her bed.

The chestnut-haired girl had once read a book.

A book authored by Professor Oak's rival:

Agatha of the Elite Four.

A specialist in Ghost-type Pokémon.

'The book mentioned a dangerous method to bind Trainer and Pokémon's own heart and memories together,' Blue recalled.

Using a combination of [Dream Eater] and [Nightmare], Blue was able to invade Eevee's dream world.

Blue's soul designated as the [Nightmare] while [Dream Eater], the path into Eevee's soul.

The girl knew it was dangerous and she may not come out alive.

'So what?'


'I'm done being scared.'

A coward's resolve.

Blue resolved herself and reached out.

A warm hand.

Just like Ivy did.

Keep moving forward.

"Hang on, Eevee…"

Chapter 16: Blue (3)

"I'm coming to save you."


"Hmm? I'm still the protagonist, right?" Red/Ash asked worryingly.

"I haven't even appeared since the prologue!" Serena complained.

"I'm the heroine, right?!"

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