Chapter 36: DARK ASSAULT

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Chapter 36: Dark Assault

The Dark type.

A type that was made official the year before Indigo Grand League. This was due to the popular stigmatism by cowardly humans that Dark type Pokémon were extremely violent and cruel by nature.

However, that belief was slowly dwindled to the point where the people had no choice but to accept it as a Type. Thus, the Pokémon of that typing were now called "difficult to handle" rather than the lies of the past.

And now…

There was one fighting on behalf of those misunderstood Pokémon.

Beast Tamer Karen.

Hours before the opening ceremony.

"So, what motivated you to build a Dark type party?" a news reporter asked Karen.

The blue-haired teenager was in the middle of an interview while she brushed her Pokémon's fur.

A jet-black canine with menacing horns, her ace, Houndoom.

Beside her were two of her other Pokémon, Murkrow and Umbreon.

"I mean, they are hard to raise, after all…" the reporter continued meekly before stopping after the canine shot a glare towards her.

Kalos reporter Alexa was taken aback for a moment before a hand gently caressed the snout of the beast.

The severe eyes of the canine fluttered close by her long silver eyelashes as she calmed down.

"Well… I have a reason for that," Karen answered before beginning her story.

"It was a few years ago when this girl was still a Houndour."

"My father caught and brought her home one day."

"He was working on a redeveloping project that had been halted by a group of outcast Pokémon that called that place home. Houndour was the leader of that pack."

"However, even after capturing Houndour, he and his crew could not make her submit and were planning to get rid of her. I just couldn't let that happen."

"One thing to note about the Dark types is that they possess the highest battle instinct amongst all Pokémon. Just as we can perform aerobic respiration naturally, Dark type Pokémon are blessed with fighting abilities from birth."

A memory flashed in Karen's mind as a younger her was grazed in the arm by Houndour. Her snout was clamped shut by a muzzle, but the eyes never lost their fire.

The blood from young Karen's arm bled profusely but the girl simply faced the jet-black pup.

"I told her that her home was gone, but rather than abandoning her, I decided to escape alongside her together from that wretched household," the teenager continued.

She remembered how deprived of fear she was even after suggesting running away from her comfortable lifestyle.

She remembered Houndour's eyes. Tired but noble. It was enough to make her forget even the pain of her wounds.

"We wandered aimlessly for a while after that. I even collapsed on the way."

"But even when I thought I was about to die, all I could think of was apologizing to Houndour."

"She could have left me to die, and I thought she would when before passing out, my last memory was her retreating figure. But she didn't."

"Next thing I knew, I awoke to the surroundings of my would-be mentor, Agatha of the Elite Four's house."

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now