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Chapter 23: A Beautiful Dream

Pallet Town, Professor Oak's Summer Camp.

A young girl wearing a straw hat.

Serena Yvonne-Gabena had come from the Kalos region to attend a summer camp host by the acclaimed authority of all things Pokémon, Professor Samuel Oak.

Although, instead of attending the camp willingly, the honey-blonde was forced to attend by her mother.

Her mother being an accomplished Rhyhorn racer, Grace Gabena.

The woman had hoped that by attending a summer camp, her daughter would grow out of her shyness and start making friends her age.

However, she knew the reason why the girl was so awkward around her peers.

Serena had grown up without a father.

His pictures being the only evidence that he even existed in the young girl's memory.

After Serena had been born, Mr Yvonne was rushing to Lumiose Hospital to see his daughter.

Excited that he had become a father.

According to eyewitnesses, the man met his end via a car accident.

All to save a young girl running in the streets, chasing after her toy ball.

One glance was all it took for the man to act.

His thoughts were filled with imaginations of how his daughter would look like.

'Would my baby girl look like me like brown hair?'

'Or Grace with blonde hair?'

These thoughts floated in his mind before he saw a girl crossing the street.

With a car zooming towards her. The driver too late to hit the brakes.

And the father changed directions towards the would-be victim.

'What if it were my girl?'

That was all the reason he needed.


A pool of blood flowed on the street. The driver was calling the paramedics in a panic.

But the girl was safe. Crying at her saviour's impending demise.

"H… hey…, you al… right, little miss?" he mumbled with a weak smile.

She nodded with snot in her nose.

"Next… time, look before… you cross… the streets…, OK?"

And Mr Yvonne met his end.

After hearing the news, Grace was heartbroken. Cradling her new-born.

Who was now without a father.

Since then, Grace resolved herself to raise Serena as a single parent.

She would quickly become a famous Rhyhorn racer, a result of her hard work.

However, Serena would always be alone.

She never learned to socialize with other children.

Instead, she would often venture to a forest near Vaniville Town, where she lived.

Playing with herself became the norm. Sometimes even with friendly wild Pokémon.

But she was alone in the end.

Another favourite pastime for her would be reading romantic storybooks of knights and princesses after kindergarten ended.

Her favourite being ones from the Galar region.

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now