Chapter 77: Clutch Critical

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Author's Notes

We back again! It's a few days late....

Eh, better slow than rushed, right?

Anyways, this chapter is gonna be JJK-heavy so do take note. Don't worry, Fated's not turning into a JJK based story.
It's just JJK is weirdly compatible with Pokémon for some reason.

And good news: M03 will be on Chapter 79!

There's some things I wanna say at the bottom so be sure to read it.


It's just a suggestion but I think that explaining legendary "shinies" by time nexuses and samsara and loops would be a very good explanation where "change" or events are not just limited to people and their actions but how they do it too. In this way, "the birth of legendaries" can also vary a lot.

On that topic I would advise you to look into the different shades and meanings of time in mythologies too. If we are going into the tank and describing authorities by *how much they can control a certain aspect* or element then the different shades of time may help you to deal with associating or assigning certain authorities too. Namely I'm mentioning three main ones which are Kairos, Aion and Chronos but you may also break it into more parts in which case comes 1.) the time after an event happens which is the shade of death in time , 2.) the opportunistic time or the time in which a certain event happen which cannot be avoided which Fate fanfictions generally like to use to explain the different timelines and also time loops. If you want a little more detail on this then I could expand on this. And lastly the flow of time which intertwines with memories and stuff which is responsible for creating that loop in different timelines which "remembers things".

It's just a recommendation and you may not want to invest time on it so ignore it if you don't feel like it but I felt like that could help in a better world building overall so I recommended it.

Another thing is the different celebi and I would advise you to look into Istaroth and the thousand winds and wind spirits from Genshin if you want to keep it close to the scene of thousands of Celebi appearing and helping Ash in the movie but again this is also a recommendation.

The chapter was again very engaging and good I genuinely did not feel bored for a second and the Larvitar scene was so Cute!

On the topic, have you played Kingdom Hearts by any chance?

*searches up time nexuses*

Ohhhh. The only nexus I know is from LoL. These are some very nice explanations for the weird 'interactions' since it provides a coherent logic to these sorts of timey-wimey BS I'm writing. However, since this is based on the Fate series, the angle I'm going for are 'loopholes' since that franchise ABUSE it so much.

Basically, in YGO terms:
Poplar activates effect, Baronne de Fleur negates Snake Eyes Poplar and is about to destroy it, but Linkuriboh in the GY uses effect to tribute Poplar, negating the negate while Poplar is still able to use its effect since it was never negated in the first place, meaning Baronne wasted its effect.

But it's a cool read too. Never read of nexus points before and my head kinda hurts a little from understanding it.

Kairos, Aion and Chronos: I cannot believe I had to study AGAIN after graduation, this some crazy stuff to do just for this crackfic.
However, from what I understand, Fated's timeline uses Aion (cosmic time) since that allows causal loops, or stable time loops. Basically, cyclic loops (Shit's gonna be crazy).

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