Chapter 74: The Valley Of Flames

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Author's Notes

From Baley:-...Hey.

First up, Happy New Year to you guys! It's been a while, I know.

My internship ended so I'm finally back home... And I immediately got hit with the... virus. As if that wasn't bad enough, that was my first time ever contracting it, so for those days, I felt soooooo weak. Then after my recovery, I'm back at school for my final project before graduating.

So yeah, I've been 'busy'. But I'm back now! That's what matters.

Seeing how you guys have not been messaging me about next chapter is really good for me since it implies trust in me so that's really a nice sign.

Now, onto this chapter!

As you can tell from the title, we are at THAT part. Although, the conclusion is quite different from what you guys know.

There's some goodies in the end, so be sure to read it.



Now then, review time!


The Equivalent Exchange

It impressed me the most in this chapter. I don't think anyone could have imagined something like this. To be able to exchange the effects like this , I would say I am speechless. I had read battles of many pokemon writers infact I I even write pokemon battles for my story but none of them can be compared to the battles that you wrote.


I didn't thought that he would make an appearance this soon but seeing him in this part I wanna ask that Would the pokemon movieI choose you would be shown in fated. If yes then would it be in Alola or before that.


I actually liked the way Ash battled with Falkner. All those tactics along with his arrogance was so interesting that it made me read the battle more than 5 times.

Fated is actually one of my favourite story and I would like to thank you for coming up with so many ideas and most importantly thinking of this book and publishing it here

Hey, starff! Thanks for the kind review.

Hearing your thoughts about E.E is really flattering for me. It's something I had wondered before since the anime doesn't work the same way as the games. So seeing E.E being received well is a W for me.

Cross and Trip being similar is funny. As for 'I Choose You', the movie won't happen in Fated since it's considered an alt universe but there are some references and easter eggs from those movies in Fated such as Cross himself from I Choose You and Risa from Power of Us was referenced in Chapter 54. So yeah, no movies, just references and cameos.

Ash 'Gym Menace' Ketchum was really fun to write since it was a battle I could really let loose. Seeing how many of y'all enjoy it really makes me happy... And feel incredibly apologetic cuz Ash on demon time is gonna be a rare occurrence. But don't worry, after the fabled timeskip, you're gonna see some wild shit.


I honestly think this chapter was Ash at his best. I loved the barely contained battle lust and slight over-excited madness that he had going here.

Thanks for the review, Baistro! And yep. That battle was a glimpse of Fated's version of Ash dominating a battle. As we get further, all that battle lust and madness are gonna get amplified even more. The shit talk is gonna be insane.

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