Chapter 67: Smoke and Fire

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Author's Notes

Heyo, I'm back! This time, we're entering the villains intro... on Serena's side.

There are some things I wanna clarify after the chapter so be sure to read the notes downstairs to get some context.
What kinda context, you may ask? Well, let's just say that we're 'overlapping' some characters from Fate with the villains...

Now, about Ruby/Brendan. He's still a Contest nerd, but unlike Adventures, in Fated, he has no problems Battling.
If Adventures!Ruby was 100% Contest and 0% Battle, Fated!Ruby would be 50/50.

Why is he pursuing strength as well as beauty? Because of a certain someone...
Which parallels nicely with Fated!Ash's motivation.

Fun fact: There's a small cameo regarding 2 Trainers who are currently travelling with an official license in the story back in Chapter 65. You guys already know who they are.


Chapter 67: Smoke And Fire


New Bark Town Outskirts, Johto Region (The next day…)

The newly joined trio was standing at the entrance of Route 29 with Professor Elm giving some final gifts.

"Now for Brendan. It appears that your father has sent your starter Pokémon ahead of time."
"Woah, really? Dad's on point for once," Brendan was amazed.
'Usually, he'd be out on some routes observing Pokémon and forgetting stuff along the way…' the white-hatted boy thought.

"Oh, here we go…" Brendan rolled his eyes.
"He sent an Egg instead," Elm confessed.
"Well, it's better than nothing."

The novice Trainer accepted the Egg which was contained within a large cylindrical device with heating functions. The Professor called it an Egg Incubator and that it would help the Egg to hatch faster.

Brendan's Egg was coloured blue with a few orange spots.

"As for you, Ash…" Elm turned to the surprised boy.
"Hmm? I get something too?"
"Of course. Professor Oak spoke highly of you when it came to raising Pokémon. That much was evident with your current 3."
'The Professor sure likes embarrassing me…' the raven-haired boy scratched his nose.
"As such, I would like you to accept this Egg," Elm brought another Incubator with an Egg inside and gave it to the boy.

Ash's Egg was coloured green with no spots.

"This Egg was discovered by the Marine Pokémon Laboratory. Apparently, this little one was found alone on Mt. Silver all alone without its parent in sight," Elm explained with a sombre tone.

That information at the end caused Ash to widen his eyes in shock as he looked at the Incubator in his arms, staring with an indescribable expression.

"We had no luck finding its parents after quite some time. So, at the very least, I would like this child to be born with a loving person," Elm remarked to Ash.

'Without parents… This guy…'

The raven-haired boy unconsciously tightened his fists before giving his answer:

"I understand."

The double meaning behind his words went unnoticed by those around him but himself.

"And Misty. I have an Egg here for you. At first, I was contemplating keeping it but… I feel it should explore the world," Elm said.

"…Thank you, Professor."

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now