Chapter 69: To You, 3,000 Years Later

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Author's Notes


God, this chapter was hard to write... Before we begin, I wanna apologize for this rather short chapter.
The reason being I had to cut out A LOT from a nearly 10k words chapter to a measly 5k (not even). So really, the chapter was already done a long time ago but I had to censor and remove the spoilery parts. Once again, really sorry for the short chapter. (It'll be worth it, I swear!)

Now, let's get to the spicy stuff!
Yes, the chapter's name is a reference... of a once great manga. (SIIIGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH)

Although this chapter's short, I guessed that with the amount of content in here, it'd be enough to satisfy you guys.
Also, incoming characters from the movies appearing as well! Also also, there are some foreshadowing within the chapter so be sure to write them down in the notes because a lot of them are gonna come up in the future.

Plus, with the amount of revision in Fated, do you guys think I should make a dedicated 'chapter' about Fated's timeline?

And finally, I'll be changing the fic's characters since Gary and Blue are sidelined in Johto for now.

This is gonna be great for the readers who are interested in the story but can't find the time to read / here for the Amour since by seeing the featured characters on the fic, you guys can roughly guess which region we're on without even reading it. So a bit of QOL changes there.

So now, we're changing Leaf and Gary to Misty and Brendan

Now, onto the reviews!



I literally going to leave a review/comment on the previous chapter and here you are shooting more at us. Bless. And again, here you are just hitting us with hints and hyping this up. Again, bless.

Okay, want to touch upon the "I lived" response. Yeah, no kidding. Instead of bones, more like "And with every brush of death" or "and with every kind of scar". Something like that.

And Fated!Ash to Anime!Ash... I should have figured he'd have a panic attack when seeing Serena leave. Thought it be funny, now it's sad.

Pertaining to the previous chapters, get that they have to remain professional cause of the circumstances, but least they get why Ash is acting that way towards Giovanni, mean he can say sorry all he wants, he sent his whole organization onto a 10 (11) year old kid who started his adventure just because he bruised their ego by saving a baby they forcibly took then committed domestic terrorism on the center(s) because he was in them, making him nervous/scared to stay in them for so long. And with Neo Rocket possibly being unhinged because of what happens to the Slowpokes, it might just come back stronger, only staying in to make the call then off to the woods. Cept for the trio, cause they're harmless... somewhat.

Okay, did not expect the third. Definitely pulled the rug. Though don't have any knowledge of anything when it comes to the manga or anything like that so in the dark. Though I remember hearing about the Eevee that could change forms by will, which is honestly kinda insane. Guess that's one way to have Serena get her Eevee.

And Elm being the Professor in breeding... he could not have known the horrors (him and Game Freak) he would have stepped in if we're taking into account what RL Pokemon competition is like, with 'perfect stats' and 'shiny' hatching because of illicit Ditto breeding. That and the insane things that would happen in literally the next region... *cough* Wailord and Skitty *cough* Which if that is a thing in universe, gotta question the drugs the breeder or individual was on when they attempted this and the crime that was thrown on them.

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now