Chapter 35: SECOND ROUND

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Chapter 35: Second Round

The audience went wild. The match was over.

And Ash Ketchum had won. Triumphed over Misty, the Gym Leader expected to win.

Exhaustion kicked in. The blood red eyes finally calmed.

The raven-haired Trainer lost his strength to stand and was panting heavily.

'Again… It's stronger now…,' he thought, his mind still reeling from the adrenaline.

He then looked to his Pokémon, wondering how she was.

Lapras was exhausted as well but cried out happily to Ash, rejoicing in their victory which prompted a smile from the Trainer.

With some energy back in his legs, he walked slowly towards Lapras.

Ash shuffled closer to her and finally, hugged her.

"Well done, Lapras," Ash praised, patting her head gently.

"You really gave it your all. Thank you."

Lapras' eyes widened at her Trainer's tired but heartfelt words and began reminiscing of their past.

How the raven-haired boy saved her from Team Rocket. From Giovanni.

His small back protecting her from Nidoking's assault moved her to tears. Both from his kindness and her uselessness.

But Lapras had grown stronger now. For her Trainer that gave her a new lease on life.

"Kyuu~," Lapras cooed while nudging her head against Ash affectionally, tickling the boy, and drenching him in water again.

"That tickles, girl," he chuckled.

Kalos Region. Pokémon Academy.

The figure of Ash Ketchum pointing to the sky was burned into the memories of everyone watching.

The illuminating blood red eyes were now visible for all to see, its presence demanded everyone's attention.


The students watched with bated breath as the lightning coated Lapras descended rapidly towards a frozen Starmie.

The clash of [Hydro Pump] and [Volt Tackle (Fake)] elicited gasps of shock and amazement. Everyone could not peel their eyes away for even a single moment.

And then…


The sight of the raven-haired boy giving his all alongside his Pokémon rendered Serena into a teary mess.

All to become the very best. Like no one ever was.

The tears would not stop. Nor did she want them to.

She gave him that dream. The Pokémon Master.

And he was giving everything he had to achieve that dream.

All to honour her for everything she gave him.

And she burst into happy sobs as she realized it. Grace patted her on the back with a tender smile.


Cameran Palace, Rota Kingdom

"Sir Riley, the sword…" Queen Ilene muttered softly.

The blade of rust that rested on her lap began to shine dimly as if responding to something.

"There's no mistake. It's that boy…" Riley confirmed, turning his attention to the raven-haired Trainer in the screen.

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now