Chapter 80: The Show

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Author's Notes

Hey, all! Sorry this one took a whole ass month to finish.
I don't really like giving excuses so I'll just say what happened as candidly as possible. (Being direct worked wonders for me)

Long story short, after 3 years(?) of writing, I finally had my first experience of the dreaded combo of writer's block and demotivation.

Of course, I was self aware enough this phase was temporary but man, did it sucked to even open my documents.

So, with an emergency break for meself... I didn't know what to do. So I found a little game called Pokerogue.
My initial thoughts were: "Damn, this should be enough for be to enjoy the 2 weeks of rest."


That 2 weeks turned into nearly a month. I was addicted.
After that, I made this chapter asap. Realized I could have skipped some Gyms... until I saw who was next.

Morty CANNOT be skipped due to Ecruteak being lore galore.
Chuck CANNOT be skipped due to what I have plans for.
Then, Jasmine! I've already set up a potential battle from the first Johto chapter so I CANNOT skip it.
Pryce is self explanatory.
And Clair is the last Gym, so it's impossible to skip.

TLDR, I lost my chance to skip Gym Leaders (Bugsy and Whitney could've been skipped)
Listen guys. I may be able to roadmap the endgame of my fic, but I sure as hell suck ass at the short term events.
In the end, I had to settle for a 'filler' chapter in this.

I'm really sorry it took so long just for a short chapter!


Alright, I'm recovered since last chapter so I'll post the reviews for chapter 78 in the movie chapter so it'll be chapter appropriate.
Now, let's get into the reviews!

Happy to see you back! This was as awesome as it was confusing at times, but all the new lore is very interesting and I'm excited to see how it's expanded on later chapters. Right now I can't really give a detailed review like I've done before, but I at least wanted to leave a comment. Hopefully next time I will.

Thanks for review, Perseus!

If you're confused then that's great for me! One thing I noticed is that as a writer, having literally everything spoiled really makes me second guess whether I'm too on-the-nose with things and accidentally revealing things too early. So your confusion is my happiness, mwahahaha!

As for expanding on later chapters, it's gonna pay off, don't worry.
What I'm excited for is finally revealing Zacian's identity, obvious as she may be.

Take your time with a detailed review, it's fine. I'm just glad someone's enjoying this.

Ash is alot like Zoro

Man, he wishes he was Zoro.

Rales Mckoy:
Well this has gotta be one of my favorite chapters and second favorite fight. This was pretty great. I'm looking forward to seeing just how Deep Ash's connections to things are.

Thanks for the encouraging review, Rales.
Just wondering if this is your second fav, what is your top fav fight in Fated?

Ash's lore connections are gonna go insane in the future. Right now, he's just networking his human ones lol.

Tainan republic:
The charges against you have been dropped as the court has seen sufficient evidence and reason that You've cooked and that your reasons are valid for your defense on basis of software and hardware issues. You are acquitted of charges of procrastination and story abandonment and the judge has pardoned you from death via pikachu chair. Along with dodging death by strangulation by a angry Serena.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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