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Chapter 2: The City of Stone Gray

2 weeks since the trio departed, Ash arrived at the location of his first Gym.

The City of Stone Gray.

Pewter City.

"Can't believe we had to go all the way here for our first Gym badge, right Pikachu?" Ash groaned to his partner.

"Pika..." Pikachu squeaked with a strained smile.

After departing from Pallet Town, Ash managed to catch two new Pokémon to his roster: a Pidgey and a Caterpie.

His Pidgey was a prideful girl and was very pleased with her new Trainer as even if he was a rookie.

He would always train alongside his Pokémon which raised her, as well as his other Pokémon's, respect towards Ash.

This did not change even after she evolved into a Pidgeotto.

Caterpie was rather timid as although he was thankful that Ash saved him from being wild Pidgeys' meal, he was a bit cowardly.

However, as the bug Pokémon evolved into a Butterfree within 2 days, he became more confident and determined to battle.

He would usually express his gratitude for his Trainer, who was patient and never gave up on him.

Charmander shared the same drive for battling as Ash and quickly became adapt in fighting.

A true battle junkie.

His main motivation was at first, to become the strongest, but after Ash told his team about wanting to become a Pokémon Master, he was awestruck at his Trainer's lofty ambitions.

Blazing red eyes that oozed of determination infected the fire lizard.

He then vowed to get even more stronger than he initially wanted, all to see with his own eyes what those crimson red eyes saw.

Beyond the strongest Trainer.

The best like no one ever was.

Pikachu, Ash's ace and first Pokémon, was once an abused and tortured soul.

But after he ran away, he began to see Ash in a new light when he saw his would-be partner protecting him from an onslaught of [Quick Attack] from a certain Ratatta.

After that, the boy told him about his dream to become a Pokémon Master which awed Pikachu.

But the most amazing part of the young Trainer to him was his desire to reunite with the one who gave him his dream.

The electric mouse wanted to meet the person who gave his Trainer purpose and to thank her for leading such a sweet boy into his life.

"Pika-pi, Pikachu!" the mouse squeaked with a determined tone, as if to tell his Trainer that he was ready to battle for him.

The PokéBalls on Ash's belt wiggled as if to share the same sentiment as Pikachu.

"Thanks guys. Well then..."

"Excuse me! I would like to request a Gym battle!" the boy roared with invigorated determination.

A well-toned man turned his head towards the youth and although his eyes were closed, his facial expression was enough to convey his feelings.


♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now