Chapter 53: You Reap What You Sow

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Author's Notes (9)


First chapter of March.

Now let's dive into the chapter!

Chapter 53's gonna be where I retcon some of my previous words since some criticisms I've received in the reviews actually makes sense in hindsight.

For example, Ash already knows Vaniville, meaning he could already find where Serena is, like what a review said (Thx btw). So I'll be changing that in this chapter.

How? Guess you're gonna have to find out. And big thank you to that one review for pointing that out, really made me realize something incredibly simple but overlooked.

Chapter 53 is also gonna introduce the main driving force that is forcing Ash to travel to different regions instead of just heading straight for Kalos, making this the biggest plot-driven chapter by far. So look forward to that. Though it may be plot heavy, I've made sure to lighten it up since the previous 2 drafts were waaaayyy too serious.

If anyone's wondering how Caliburn looks like, go search for the Fate franchise's Caliburn. Because I'm using Fate elements in this story, do expect to see some more iconic weapons in the future since Ash here is a parallel to resident sword boi, Shirou.

Now for some questions:


Rainbow Rocket in Fated?

Yes. To refresh, its an event where different versions of the big bads join together and fight against the USUM protagonist. And now that you guys kinda got the vibe Fated is going with, imagine the huge clusterfuck that's going down in the future.


Sada & Turo

Oh, they'll be in Fated alright. As if the bosses with sick battle themes are getting away from this story. Shit's too cool NOT to include them.

Also, Paradox Suicune and Virizion look sick, especially the latter. Did you see those leaf blades coming outta its body?! I'm gonna have a field day when the DLC story comes out.


Small Question for you guys:

What kind of school uniforms would you guys like to see the characters in? Simple? Dripped out? A reference would be nice since my own taste in fashion is really shit.


With all that outta the way, enjoy!

Chapter 53: You Reap What You Sow


Pokémon Academy, Kalos Region

Sycamore entered the classroom and gave a nod towards the two Kanto natives as he prepared to explain the new school curriculum. Apparently, there had been an interesting development regarding budding Trainers and education modules.

"Alright, everyone. Before you kids start hounding our new arrivals, I'm going to inform you of the new curriculum."

'...This has to be the worst day of my life,' Gary shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he could feel the chilling eyes of a certain honey blonde stabbing into him with pure animosity.

The orange-haired boy knew full well why the girl had a bone to pick with him and could not blame her for that. After all, he did almost kick Ash into a coma, although unintentionally. He did feel guilty for doing that and getting away with it scot-free, so Serena's wrath towards him was rather welcoming to him since he felt it was deserving.

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now