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Chapter 5: Waterflower

A redheaded girl stared at her reflection in the pool.

Her cerulean eyes matching that of her birthplace's namesake.

Thinking back to her recent challengers.

A young brunette with a Bulbasaur.

An overconfident brat with unparalleled skills to back up.

Sighing, she wondered where those 10-year-olds came from.

Her colleague, Brock knew those two but what he told next surprised her.

There was a third:

A raven-haired boy,

Crimson red eyes,

A Pikachu on his shoulder.

She started imagining the mysterious boy who caught the attention of her senior Gym Leader.

"Excuse me, I would like to have a Gym Battle!"

Or maybe she did not need to.

Standing across the pool was her newest challenger.

The same boy Brock described.

Raven-haired with a Pikachu on his shoulder.

However, his words do no justice for his eyes.

Crimson orbs that looked as if they had been set ablaze.

It was captivating.

Standing up, she resumed her Gym Leader duties.

"Welcome, Challenger. I'm the Cerulean Gym Leader, Misty Waterflower," the girl introduced.

"My name is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. My dream is to become a Pokémon Master!" Ash replied in kind.

Misty had never heard of that title before and thought of it as ridiculous.

And yet, she could not laugh.

As those shining eyes were looking ahead.

Already further than their ensuing battle.

Towards the ever-distant peak.

"Well then, Pokémon Master, let's begin," Misty declared, signalling the referee.

"This will be a 2 vs 2 between Gym Leader Misty Waterflower and Challenger Red. Only the Challenger may switch their Pokémon."

"Red?" Misty asked.

"Ah, I registered under that name. Ash's still my name," Ash replied readily to not delay the battle.

Nodding, the redhead summoned her Pokémon.

"Go, my steady! Staryu!"

"Charmander, I choose you!"

Charmander vs Staryu.

"A fire-type? Are you mocking me, As- err Red?" Misty questioned, feeling as if she had been slapped.

"Nope. Don't underestimate my Charmander, Misty. He's a fighter," Ash replied with a confident grin.

"Char!" the fire lizard cried out confidently.

"Well, if you say so. Just don't say I didn't warn you," Misty shrugged.

With that, the match began.

"[Water Gun]!" Misty commanded.

"Stop it in its tracks! [Ember]!" Ash called out.

The blast from the two attacks dispersed into a thick cloud of smoke.

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now