Chapter 1 (meeting him)

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I dip the wooden stick in the raspberry one again, praying that it works and that I get the scent I want. I bring the stick to my nose and take a sniff of it only to groan frustrated as I throw the stick against the wall, it didn't work, of course it didn't work, this is useless.

"Come on El, we have to go." My roommate knocks on my small studio, she sees my very frustrated and exhausted look and comes closer. "Still haven't cracked your code?" She asks rubbing my back.
You need to step back and look over your work remember." Camille says kindly, I look back to her, she has her fuzzy brown hair pushed back into a ponytail and she has the bare minimum amount of makeup with a pair of jean shorts and a light link shirt that says "I am beautiful". "We have quite a bit to do this evening."

I sit up and scrunch my nose."I really do wish you would stay here for the holidays." I look down at my clothes, a light blue jeans with a light purple crop shirt that falls of my shoulder.

She laughs and pulls me out of the room. "It's a few months and I'll be back and besides, you have to go visit your parents as well and who knows, maybe even get someone special." I snort as I pack my stuff and walk out of the studio with Camille following behind me. "Not all guys are bad."

I roll my eyes at her and grab my purse. "They're all the same and they all cause many distractions. I can't afford distractions any time in the present tense."

She locks the door of our small 3 bedroom apartment and turns to me with a confused look. 'What if you get bored of playing your games on guys?"

I laugh and hook my elbow through hers. "That's the point of the games, I don't get bored, I doubt get feelings and I don't get distracted." We head to my car because it's my turn to drive us to the mall. "I still need to tell my parents about me not doing any more school and not going into college."

She wears her seatbelt before looking at me. Her round dark brown eyes stare intensely at me and her chocolate brown skin looks like it's glowing every time it catches the sun. "You got to tell them when you go visit them you know that right?"

I nod. "They probably won't be mad or anything, hopefully." Camille laughs.

"Let's just go shopping one last time together before I go to my hometown." I nod excitedly.


Camille holds me in a hug. "Oh gosh, I'm going to miss you." She cries.

I chuckle. "We better call every night to catch up on things." I pull back and she nods, she gets into the taxi and waves one last time before it drives away. I sigh exhausted before heading back up to our apartment, it now feels a lot bigger with just me, it's nearly sunset and I have absolutely nothing to do, I walk to the kitchen contemplating if i should make myself something.

In a few minutes I have given up thinking on what I should make and I grab my bag again and exit the apartment, there's an amazing and cute coffee shop just 2 blocks from the apartment and I absolutely love everything about it. The walk to the coffee shop takes me about 10 minutes, the moment I walk through the glass doors I am being hit with this strong smell of coffee and pastries, the inside has just about a dozen tables of 2, huge glass windows that stare out into the busy street, there's a vintage touch to everything in here from the floor to the walls.

"The usual?" Kyle at the cashier asks, I wave at him and walk to the cashier front. "Or something special?" Kyle is a few years older than me, he has dark skin and his dark brown hair is brushed back and his eyes match the colour of dark coffee.

"The brownie with ice cream on top and the caramel milkshake." I order, he gives me a high five, it became something he often does when he realized I have terrible social anxiety and can barely order things on my own without rambling.

"You're getting better at this whole thing." He cheers as he rings my order. "Soon, you'll be able to stand in front of an entire crowd and speak."

"I hope so." I smile at him before grabbing a chocolate from inside my bag and hand it to him before I head to the table closest to the window.
I take out my macbook and in a few minutes my order sits next to it. I open my book and stare at it as I sip my milkshake and eat my brownie, my mind blank as I stare, trying to come up with anything. Before I knew it, my brownie had been finished and my milkshake was half way or less done.

I close the mac book with an infuriating groan.
Rose, one of the waitress, comes to my table and picks up the plate that once contained my brownie, her red hair was tied up in a bun, she had freckles scattered across her cheeks and her pink lips twist into a smile as her eyes twinkle with amusement. "Try moving tables, a change of scenery is always good. I'll get you a rainbow sparkles cookie for inspiration."

I quickly stand up excitedly, hug her before grabbing my milkshake and bag, I look around the coffee shop before deciding to take the desk closest to the kitchen entrance, I have almost never sat there before.
I feel this burst of happiness as I walk to the table, my head lost in thought about the many things that can help boost my inspiration.

When someone collides with me sending my milkshake down the front of my shirt.


Hello my dear readers

I am back with a fun and exciting story.

Hope you all enjoy this story.

Updates will be every Tuesday for now, once the book gets more reads and votes, the updates will increase.

This story comes with its own spotify playlist.

And of course, don't forget to leave your thoughts and votes.

Love you all


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