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7 years later


No no, don't let her eat the sweet." I tell over the phone while trying to get the trolley to move.

"But love, she's asking so nice and she has thise adorable eyes she got from me."

I sigh. "Nik, she was just sick a week ago with a terrible cough."

Nik sighs defeated. "Fine, I won't give her the sweet." I chuckle and manage to push the trolley over the bump. "But side note, you're on your way home right?"

"I just had to stop by the supermarket for some stuff but I'll be home in about 30 minutes." I tell him.

"Thank God, I'm feeling quite sexy and dinner is nearly ready and I'm putting Jazzy in bed now." Nik says and I can hear his smirk.

"Fine fine, I'll be there quick." I say rolling my eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you more." I reply and just as I cut the call I bump into someone.

"Frickin snicker doodle, my caramel milkshake."
I stop dead on my tracks and look up just as he looks up as well. "Lizzy?" He asks with a gasp.

Memories flood my mind and I nod with a smile and Alex is pulling me in a hug and despite the fact I just got my shirt messed with caramel milkshake as well, I find myself returning the hug. "What brings you to this side of the city?" I ask when I pull back.

Alex grins. "Well-" Before he can continue a young boy, about 6 years old is running to him and hugging his leg. "Oh God Matt, you gave me a heart attack." The boy laughs and doesn't let go but he looks up at me, I lean down and smile as I hold out my hand, he looks up at Alex. "This is Liz, my little witch."

He nods and shakes my hand as I let the heat flush my cheeks, I stand up and look at Alex. "Well I'm happy to see you haven't changed much, besides the small beard you're growing there but it suits you." I say.

Alex chuckles. "You haven't changed one bit neither Liz." I grin. "And to answer your previous question, we're driving back home and decided to do a quick stop here, I most cecertainly did not expect to bump into you but I'm glad I did." Than his gaze drops to my wedding ring and he raises an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Nik." Alex's face fills with joy. "We have a 2 years old daughter, Jasmine." My phone starts ringing and I see Nik's name, I pick it up.

"We may need some milk, I may or may have not dropped the bottle but don't worry, it will be all clean before you get here."

"Fine, I'll be there with the milk soon." I say smiling and cut the call. "Is this a I am now welcome to stalk your account?"

Alex smirks. "Only if I can do the same."

I think on it than smile and nod holding out my hand and Alex shakes it. "Looks like we have a deal Alex."

Alex grins and nods. "Thank you for being the foundation of my life little witch."

I do a curtsy. "Well it goes both ways."

"I hope I see you in the future again Lizzy."

I nod as Alex turns to walk away, he turns one last time and waves and I wave back.
The first time he walked away, we were lovers full of memories.
This time, we're friends with a past full of loving memories.

Alex's POV

I'm smiling as I get in the car after placing Matt in his backseat.
Ruby raises an eyebrow at me. "You have milkshake spilled down your shirt and you're smiling."

I grin at her and lean forward to peck her lips. "I bumped into an old friend."

She smiles confused. "You don't have any old friends besides Tyler." Than she thinks on it. "You bumped into Lizzy?" She asks with an excited gasp, I nod and Ruby squeals. "I want to see her."

"If you're up for it, we can stay here for another day or so and we can meet up?"

Ruby is cheering and she pecks my cheek. "What a brilliant plan."

Friends with a past full of loving memories.

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