Chapter 11

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"Are you sure we have to go to this party?" I ask with a groan as I struggle to get the dress over my head and when I walk back to my phone, Alex is busy wearing a dark blue shirt.

"Adventure and thrill. That's what we need for inspiration." Alex explains whilst he buttons his shirt close. "We will have lots of fun, I think." He glances up at me and tilts his head as he examines my dress, it's a very light pink dress that reaches my knees and I hop into a pair of silver heels to finish the look.

"I'm gonna to regret listening to you." I say defeat.

Alex chuckles. "I'll be there in 10 minutes." He says and than cuts the call, I grab a small bag and throw my phone in as well as a few emergency things I might need. I leave my room and head to the living room where my parents are watching a movie, both of them frown confused.

"Are you going somewhere honey?" Mom asks.

"Alex has invited me to a party but I will be back soon." I reply, I hear the honking of Alex's car, I quickly peck my parents' cheek and I do a quick jog out of the house. Alex grins at me when I get in his car.

"You look dashing." He compliments, I feel the blush creep up my neck. "Especially for someone that said they didn't want to go."

"I don't but I need inspiration and besides, I have you." I say determined, Alex snickers and starts driving. A few minutes pass with us in silence. "I think I'm going back home sooner."

Alex frowns and turns his attention to me for a second before his eyes go back to the road. "What do you mean?" We reach the party and Alex parks before turning his body to me. "How soon?"

I sigh. "In a week or less."

Alex clenched his jaw and tilts his head. "That's not our deal."
I roll my eyes and get out of the car, I start walking away but Alex quickly grabs my arm and pulls me back. "Don't do this shit, we had a deal."

I pull my arm but Alex doesn't budge. "You're hurting me Alex." Regret flashes in his eyes and he instantly releases my arm. I take a deep breath and turn around and carry on walking back to the party, I hear Alex's footsteps behind me. The mansion from outside looked gorgeous, the noise and music could be heard all the way to the parking lot. Alex steps up beside me and knocks on the door, in a second it opens and we enter the party dimension.

The music was so much louder and there were people walking everywhere, someone bumps into me sending me crashing against Alex, he grips my arm tight to steady me. We don't speak but he leads me deeper into the party, it's too full to know where we're going but we soon arrive at a wider space. I feel Alex's breath against my ear. "Don't get lost, I'll go get us some drinks." I give him a nod and only than does Alex let go of my hand and step back.

Everything suddenly felt too full and too loud, I try squeezing my way through people only to keep finding myself stuck with no way out, an arm wraps around my waist and I feel their breath on my neck. "Hello there darling." I shudder at Tyler's voice. "Didn't think I'd be seeing you here?"

I try to push him off but he just snickers, his arm around my waist tightens. "Let go Henderson." I grit out.

"Or what darling?" He snickers and I feel his chest vibrate along, he brings his nose down to my neck and runs it up slowly, I feel the vomit threatening to come up my throat but than he's forcefully being shoved off.

"Or you're going to get every bone in your body broken." Alex replies, he takes my face in his hand. "Did he hurt you?" I shake my head but Alex grips my hand and just starts walking out. "Coming to this was a huge mistake."

"Don't worry Alexander, I can keep her safe as well." Tyler teases us, Alex just pulls me through the mansion and we're soon standing outside, I sigh relieved and halt, the air is slightly chilled.

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