Chapter 22

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I turn on the tap in the tub and get everything ready, than I grab my phone and ring Camille.

"Why are you calling me from the bathroom?" She asks suspiciously. "You're glowing Eli, did you just have sex? With Alex?" She screams and I glare at her despite the colour rising to my cheeks, she squeals.

"Could you be quiet for God's sake, he's in the kitchen." I say.

"So you did have sex!" She states excitedly, not screaming thank God.

"We didn't have sex for fluff's sake!" And I end up telling her what happened, keeping most of the details to myself, I also get in the bath while talking to her

"You're falling hard Eli." Camille says amazed. "Break the deal."

I shake my head. "I don't want to break it and I don't think Alex even likes me."

"He definitely likes you." Camille says. "But you're right, you have been working hard to get your business out and all, the deal is a good thing but I'm telling you it's going to hurt to walk away."

I sigh. "I'm so stupid. I broke my own rules."

"Maybe it's worth it." Camille says. "Maybe after you settle down with your business and he settles down with his music career, you two will get together."

I nod. "Anyways, I should go, I will talk to you later." She nods smiling and than cuts the call.
I lean back on the tub and let my thoughts drift and relax.

I get out of the bath, lotion my body and wear a light pink loose shirt with some grey shorts. I dry my hair with the towel and than walk out of my room.
There's music playing in the kitchen, I find Alex with some flannel pants and no shirt, his back to me as he works on the stove, his hair is wet and it looks darker, I don't recognize the song playing but than Alex is singing along and I have the urge to go find this song because of how good Alex is singing it.

I push myself up on the stool and Alex quickly spins around, he's all flustered and ends up drops the spoon he had on his hand. "Could you not give me a heart attack!" He says rolling his eyes.

I shrug. "I didn't want to interrupt your amazing singing."

Alex sighs defeated. "I'm going to find ways to give you heart attacks as well." He smirks.

I laugh. "What's for lunch?"

"Pasta." He grabs 2 plates from the counter and places one in front of me and the other across from me for himself, than he places the pot, I inhale the smell and groan hungry. "Plain tomato garlic sauce pasta."

"It smells phenomenal." I say and dish out some for me, I take a mouthful of it and sigh. "Alex, this is bloody delicious."

Alex does a bow. "Thank you. I would like to thank YouTube for being my sous chef." I laugh and than he's laughing with me.

We eat lunch like that, occasionally one of us would make a joke or something and than we'd laugh until we couldn't breathe, we both do the cleanup after we eat and than we're heading to the living room for our movie.

"I have decided to launch my business in 3 days, I only have the candles to make so 3 days seems to be enough time for me to prepare the candles."

"Lizzy, that's fantastic!" Alex beams than he pulls me for a hug. "I'm positive you will do fantastic."
I smile and pull back, I snuggle around so that my head is on his lap and I'm staring up at him, Alex grins at me. "I found the music course and a part time job."

"Really?" I ask with a gasp, Alex nods. "That is so exciting, I certainly hope you enjoy all of it."

Alex chuckles. "Now let's get started with our movie."


We end up falling asleep halfway through the movie, I'm curled against Alex as he spoons me and rests his head on the crook of my neck.
It's a moment that I don't want to end, a moment where I don't care that I'm falling and that the smile on my face means everything is perfect.

There's this thought in the back of my head warning me to back away, let him go, forget everything, forget the deal, I should just walk away but I quickly put a block on it and snuggle my head against his chest letting sleep take over once more.

Everything will stay as perfect as this moment.


The next 3 days pass by in a blur, with me busy in the studio getting things ready for the launch and Alex going to his course in the morning and working from noon till 6, we eat dinner together and than we snuggle together in my bed or the living room, we started a movie the other day but we were too tired, we ended up falling asleep during it.

But today is launch day and Alex has asked for a day off and Alex has convinced me to put up a stall in a park a few minutes away from home so we're up early, Alex helps me everywhere he can. My heart is beating fast since I woke up, I barely ate anything fearing that the anxiety would make me throw up and Alex didn't force me to eat it. He had told me everything will go great probably 100 hundred times we woke up early.

We set up the table and tent in the park, making sure to have a beautiful display of everything, Alex takes pictures of everything including us both. Alex takes a few business cards of mines and drops a kiss on my head. "Let me go spread the word around." I nod and Alex walks away.

A few people walk past and stop to see what I have and than I sell my first candle, I'm brimming with joy as I hand the lady a chocolate with it and thank her, Alex comes back. "I made my first sell!" I cheer and hug Alex, he laughs with me.

"And you will do many more." Alex encourages. And I do end up doing more sells until we decide to stop for the day, I can't stop smiling as we start to pack until a young man comes up to us.

"Am I too late?" He asks concerned, I shake my head and smiles at me. "Thank God, I desperately need help." The man says.

"I hope I can help you." I say with a smile.

The guy nods, he doesn't look older than Alex, maybe a year older perhaps, with hair so dark it may be black and eyes honey and his suit that just scream rich. "I'm Nikolas Posy, my company is having a sort of function in 5 days and we're in desperate need of something for gifts, I found your business socials and I decided to come see and ask if you'd like to take the offer. 3000 small candles with your best scented candle." He grabs the coconut and strawberry one. "This smells beautiful, I want 3000 mini ones like this."

I'm too in shock so Alex holds out his hand for the guy. "Whispering flames will be delighted to take your order, we do although request a half deposit before we start, as soon as possible and than the rest after you receive the candles of course."

The guy nods. "I will get the money to your account as soon as I get my ass in the car." Alex hands my card to the guy and my bank details.

"I hope Whispering Flames gets to hear from you Mr. Posy." Alex says smiling.

Nikolas smiles at me and nods. "I have a feeling great things await us both." And than he's walking away, a minute later my phone pings and half the deposit is in my account and I'm suddenly crying with joy.

Alex is wrapping his arms around me and spinning me around. "You did it, you're going to reach higher levels."

I'm crying and laughing at the same time at the still surreal moment. "I have so much to do oh God, I don't think I even have enough small jars."

"We will go buy them as soon as we pack this up and drop it back home." Alex says excited.

I'm full of motivation and happiness and I nod to Alex as we quickly pack up the stall.

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