Chapter 8

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"Are you excited to be going back?" Alex asks as we enter our town.

I nod. "I used to love being down here, I just hope things go by smoothly." I guide Alex to my home, a cute typical blue and white beach front house. "You're coming in with me right?" Alex nods and stands next to me, I reach for his pinky finger as I knock on the door.

I hear the footsteps reaching the door and than it opens and my mom screams excitedly as she hugs me tightly, I wrap my arms around her with a chuckle. "Why didn't you say you were coming?" My mom scolds. "I could have prepared all your favourite foods." She pulls back enough to kiss my cheek. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too mama." I admit, than she turns to Alex.

She frowns confused, Alex smiles and does a small nod with his head. "Alexander Sullivan maam, I drove your daughter here."

My mom turns to me raising an eyebrow and I roll my eyes. "A friend mama."

"Another one of your many games." My mom says and before I can say anything my dad is walking in and he pulls me in for a hug.

"How's my little butterfly?" He asks happy. "We didn't know you were coming today or that you were bringing a guest over." He turns to Alex and extends his hand, Alex shakes it. "I'm Robert Quinn and this is my wife Delilah Quinn. Who might you be?"

"Alexander Sullivan, I live just further up in the city." Alex introduces.

"Where's Chris and Cate?" I ask confused not hearing my twin siblings voices, they're 17 and by far the loudest people I've encountered.

"Out with friends, we're sort of on thin ground right now." My dad admits nervously.

"I'll talk to them." I offer and both my parents light up.

"Come eat lunch dear." My mom says to Alex and he accepts, my parents walk ahead of us as Alex interlocks our pinky fingers once more.


"Ms. Quinn, the lunch was absolutely phenomenal." Alex says with a dashing smile as he hugs my mom. "I will definitely be coming here a lot more."

"Thank you dear, I do hope you're staying in Eli's life for quite a while." My mom teases and I groan as I grab Alex's hand and pull him away from my house.

"Bye Ms. Quinn." Alex yells back at my mom as I drag him to the car, my mom's laughter echoes behind us as she closes the door. "I'm assuming we're going to my home now." Alex says getting in the car.

"Yes, that is correct." I agree. Alex grins.


Alex's place was a lot different than mines, while my home is more beach front and summery and warm, his is completely on the modern side.
Alex knocks on the door and a few seconds later it opens. The lady squeals excitedly as she throws her arms around Alex.

"My beloved Alexander is back. I missed you so much my cute cookie." His mom, I'm guessing, cries in delight.

I nearly burst into a fit of giggles, Alex chuckles and hugs his mom tightly. "I missed you too mom. But I want to introduce you to my new acquaintance." He pulls back and his mom turns to me.

She gasps and pulls me closer. "What's your name dear? How did you meet my son? For how long have you known him? Do you like chocolate?"

"Mom." Alex drags and than holds my hand and pulls back. "She's a temporary guest."

"But I want to know more." His mom insists.

"I'm Elizabeth Quinn." I say smiling. "Alex had spilled my milkshake 2 days ago and yes, I adore chocolate." His mom claps excitedly and holds my other hand and pulls me into her home, Alex merely laughs and hooks our pinky fingers together as his mom leads me to the dining room.

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