Chapter 29

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"Liz, come on. I need you to tell me what you want." Alex calls.

"I'll be out in a second, I'm trying to close this thing." I reply, I manage to reach the back and tie the ribbon, I mentally high five myself for not backing away and wearing this pyjamas, it's a soft pink robe type, the shoulders are see through with lace and there's lace at the bottom, it's held with a string tied into a ribbon.

"Lizzy what's taking you so long?" Alex asks and than he's opening the bathroom door.

"No no, wait, I was going to surprise you." I say but it's too late. Alex blinks a few times, his eyes go up and down my body as his cheeks flush a cute pink, I do a little twirl but Alex is still trying to find words. "Is it not nice?" I ask staring back at the mirror. "It looked really nice when I saw it and-" Alex is grabbing me and pulling me to him as I yelp but it's quickly swallowed up by the kiss.

His hands just barely brush over the fabric as he tries to capture more of me in his mouth, his hand rests on my waist as he tugs me to him, he pulls back and hoists me up to his waist and I hook my legs around his waist, I feel the wall against my back just as his lips attach to mines again.
His hand drifts down to my backside and he pulls back with a grunt, the bathroom is 5 times hotter and I'm taking deep breaths to get my lungs to function normally, Alex keeps his forehead against mines than he brushes his lips over mines. "You're not wearing anything under this?" He asks, I shake my head and Alex closes his eyes and smiles as he dips his mouth to my collarbone, he pulls back and hesitation crosses over his eyes.

"I swear to God Alex, if you stop, I will kick you out of this bedroom and not let you into my home." I say with a glare, Alex chuckles and than he's pulling away from the wall but he keeps me against him.

"Fine, I won't stop." He says smirking.

And the night faded as Alex kept his promise.


The days were going faster than usual, both of us trying to do as much with each other as possible and everything was great despite the dread creeping closer and closer until the day does arrive.
I woke up early with the dread clouding everything else, I lay my head against Alex's chest and he envelopes me in a hug and presses his lips to the top of my head, I look up and he gives me a small smile, he caresses my cheek gently.

"Let's go get ready." Alex says.

I shake my head. "Just a few more minutes here, please." Alex smiles and nods and we do lay there for more than a few minutes, just quietly appreciating the moment until we had to get out of bed. Alex pulls me to his chest when he sees the tears flooding my eyes. "Stupid deal I agreed to." I mumble and Alex chuckles as he kisses me.

"I left your friend 4 triple chocolate cookie packets." He says with a grin against my lips and I reply by pecking his lips and than we're leaving the apartment. Alex insisted on getting a cab to the airport instead of me driving him there so we settled for a last coffee together at the coffee shop where we met.

We walk in and Kyle grins at me, he excuses himself from the counter and than he's walking towards me and he embraces me while laughing. "Where have you been? You've left us all worried."

I chuckle and he pulls back. "Here and there." I reply and he turns to Alex, they seem to have a mind conversation before Kyle speaks again.

"What can I get you both?" He asks.

"2 caramel milkshakes." Alex orders and Kyle nods, we take the table by the window and Alex reaches over my hand and he draws small circles on the palm of my hand keeping his gaze on me. "You're not speaking much little witch."

I sigh. "I'm holding on to every sane part of my mind." Alex tilts his head as his lips twitch into a smile, I smack his hand. "Don't laugh at me." And Alex breaks into a full on laughter and I find myself joining him.

A few minutes later our milkshakes have arrived and I could weep with joy, Alex takes a sip and sighs blissfully. "I can see now why you got sad when I dropped yours that day, I'd be sad if someone dropped this." Alex expresses and I chuckle.

"I don't think I even returned that shirt of yours." I say smiling.

Alex gasps. "You stole the shirt." I grin. "You can keep it and you can wipe your tears with it." He says with a smirk and I smack his hand again. "Ouch, you're being violent little witch." He teases.

"Well, you're finally leaving, I have to be happy, no more distractions." I joke and Alex is reaching over the table with a mischief grin as he grabs my head from the back and connects our lips for a few short seconds and than he sits back down.

"Ooff, I can taste the happiness in you." He taunts and I turn a deep scarlet and chug a tissue at him.

But sooner than we both hoped, Alex's uber are and the dread comes back 10 times stronger.
Alex places his bags in the boot of the uber and turns to me, his lips quirk up into a sad smile and I feel the tears threatening to roll down my cheeks.

Alex cups my cheek and connects our lips in a kiss that I pray lasts a lifetime but it doesn't, he keeps his forehead against mines and I let the tears roll down my cheeks, Alex wipes them away with his thumb. "Thank you Liz, you have made my life so much better than everything else. I love you with everything I have in me and I promise I will love you till the day I die."

I close my eyes and a sob breaks out of me, Alex interlocks our pinky fingers. "You had to say a beautiful speech now didn't you?" I say quietly and he chuckles. "Thank you for giving me a love worth remembering in the future. Good luck with your music."

Alex shuts his eyes as he steps back and another step back, our pinky fingers are no longer interlocked, he looks at me one last time and with a final turn he gets into the car and I shut my eyes as it drives away.

When I open my eyes again, it's just me.

I drive back home and the moment I walk in I wince at the emptiness, it's far too empty and I have most definitely not gotten used to this, too neat with no bags in the living room or blanket on the couch or notebooks on every table, no music.

Just me and my thoughts.

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