Chapter 28

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Alex took 3 days to fully recover, he declined the offer to go to the doctor all 5 times I asked.

I'm looking up at him from his chest, his face is peaceful when he's asleep and I find myself smiling at how he looks when he wakes up, he smiles lazily at me and brings his hand to my face and brushes back my hair. "You look beautiful little witch." He says, his voice full of sleep, I turn a deep scarlet and he smiles. "I never want to forget you in this moment." He reaches over for his phone and quickly takes a picture of me, we take a few more pictures together before getting out of bed.

"What are our plans for today?" Alex asks while we're eating breakfast.

I shrug. "I don't know, I don't have anything planned but if you're fully recovered than maybe we could find something to do."

"Would you mind if we spend a few nights at a resort or just somewhere out?" Alex asks. "I saw a place but we'd have to drive for about 6 hours but the resort is great." He pulls out his phone and shows me the place, it's a beautiful place for sure, the suite bedroom with windows viewing mountains and a huge bathroom, they had spectacular amenities from their gym to their pools and spa.

And than I see the price and I nearly spill my coffee. "Nope, most definitely not." I say shaking my head.

Alex frowns. "It's a beautiful place."

I nod. "It's beyond beautiful Alex, it's literally a dream but the price."

Alex chuckles and tilts his head to the side. "Think of it as a treat from my side."

"It's a lot of money Alex and I will not have you wasting that money." Alex is ready to argue but I continue. "I'd rather much prefer us doing small things like build a fort and build a bear and go shopping for cute random shit, anything but that expensive place."

"I know it's a tad bit too expensive but we only have 5 days together and I want to walk away from you knowing I gave you memories that will last you a life time." Alex moves from his seat and than he's standing in between my legs and grasps both sides of my face.

I sigh. "Alex, the price is-"

"Don't worry about the price, don't worry about anything." Alex smiles.

"But is it safe for you to even be out, you were sick." I counter.

Alex rolls his eyes. "I had a basic flu, that's it. Now stop making excuses and go pack your bag, mimes technically already packed.

"Fine." I say with a sigh. "I'll go pack and we can leave in a couple hours." Alex smiles victoriously and connects our lips but I quickly pull back with a smirk. "We have a trip, no time for distractions." Alex groans against my lips and than I'm stepping out of his hold. "Maybe when we reach the resort we could have a bit of fun."

Alex stalks towards me at a deadly slow pace. "Like what Liz?" I shrug.

"We'll see." I say smiling.


"I'm so excited!" I gush as soon as we stop at the resort. "This whole city is gorgeous."

Alex grins at me. "I told it was going to be worth it." I roll my eyes smiling as we enter to check in.
The drive to here was spectacular, we sang and we ate and than I slept for a while before we stopped for some quick snacks again.

We check in and a lady takes us to our room as a couple other people grab our bags, I'm marvelling at how great the place looks from the floors and the details everywhere, I gasp when we see our room, it's so much better than in the pictures.
The lady leaves and I instantly throw my arms around Alex. "It's amazing!"

"I know." Alex replies smugly. "Now how about we go explore everything. I want to take you out on a date tonight, so get dressed."

"What if we went out for a date tomorrow?" I suggest. "I want to experiment this place tonight."

Alex nods and pecks my lips. "Whatever you want little witch."

I giggle and peck his lips quickly. "Let's go for a swim, I finally decided to wear a set that Camille bought for me." I dig out the black bikini set Camille got for me with a few stones on the lines, I look in the mirror after wearing and realise just how red my cheeks are, so red they could probably be maroon.

I open the bathroom door slowly, Alex is already wearing shorts and no shirt for swimming and he has 2 towels on the side for us, his back is to me, I step out of the bathroom and clear my throat, Alex turns around to face me and his jaw literally drops, I do a quick spin around and ex is striding towards me and he grasps the back of my head and pulls me for kiss.

"Remind me to thank your friend for getting you this." He breathes against my lips, I nod grinning and than Alex pulls back, I wear a robe and than we're walking out, heading to the pools.
The pool we choose is inside a cave witch cute lights everywhere.
I slip the robe out and enter the pool, the water is warm and there's those jets around the pool.

We swim for a while, well I mostly just relaxed, tried to swim, went on Alex's back for a few rides, Alex mainly swam and teased me.
Eventually we just stood against one another under a jet relaxing, Alex rests his chin on my shoulder and his arms wrap around me.

"Maybe we could try sushi tonight?" Alex suggests, I make a disgusted face and turn to him. "Come on, it might be delicious."

"Fine." I say defeated, Alex tilts my chin up and connects our lips in a breathtaking kiss and I practically melt onto him but he pulls back smirking.

"We have lots of things to do, no time for distractions." He smirks, I gasp and I throw water on him, he does the same and than we're having a water fight while laughing.
Eventually he grabs me and pulls me towards him so my back is against his chest, than he leans down. "You're making me go crazy with this swim set."

I nod. "I know, it's why I wore it." I smile. Alex bites down on my ear lobe and I gasp and smack him. "Someone could see us." Alex rolls his eyes than turns my face to peck my lips.

"How about the sushi now." Alex suggests and I nod.

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