Chapter 6

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A comfortable silence rests between us, occasionally Alex or I will comment something, but I feel my eyes drooping and water is pointless to keep me awake. "Can we stop for a bathroom break?" I ask sleepy.

"I think it's your 5th bathroom break Liz." Alex groans. "Do we have to stop?"

"We've been driving since 6 AM, it's 4PM, I'm pretty sure that 5 bathroom breaks for 10 hours is normal and besides, I drank lots of liquids." I reply.

Alex rolls his eyes. "Fine, we'll stop as soon as i see a petrol station." I give him a victorious smile and Alex merely pushes my face away. "You can get some rest, I'll wake you up the moment I stop."

"You won't have anyone to give you company than." I say. "You could fall asleep Alex and than we will die." His shoulders and chest shake with laughter. "It's not funny, I'm serious." I push his shoulder.

"I wouldn't want to harm the only person that can help me with my future. So you're welcome to sleep." Alex reassures still grinning.

I sigh defeated and lean back on my seat, I pull my knees closer and close my eyes, in a few short minutes I'm nearly asleep, the music plays behind softly, I can barely hear Alex humming along, at some point I feel something slide over me, enveloping me in warmth and the scent of coconut and cologne, it was enough warmth to have me in a deep slumber in a few short seconds.


I feel Alex shaking me slightly. "Sleepy head, we're stopping." I groan exhausted wanting to just go back to sleep. "It's either that or you're sleeping in the car and won't get any food." I open my eyes and sit up.

"Where's food?" I mumble still half asleep.

"We still have to go find somewhere for food and we're staying in this town for the night." Alex explains, there's a slight chill in the air that has me drawing Alex's sweater closer to me.

"Why is it cold?" I groan.

"Wear the sweater dummy." Alex replies, I instantly slide the sweater over my head, I sigh in bliss and warmth. "Now you seem awake."

I nod and stretch my arms before looking around as we drive. "Where are we?" I ask.

Alex shrugs. "I have absolutely no idea but if we carried on with the drive than we would have been on the road for another 4 hours before we came across another town."

"We didn't stop for gas?" I ask confused.

"We did and I tried waking you up but you wouldn't budge so I figured that I should just let you sleep." Alex explains. "And there's a hotel."

The hotel looks beautiful from the outside, it's not tall, it's just 2 floors but is beautifully painted with flowers going up the walls and a cute fountain by the entrance. "It's beautiful!" I exclaim, Alex nods and than heads to the reception desk while I find myself heading to the small snack bar. I snatch a peanut slab and a couple cheese sticks, I walk back to Alex who was just finishing with the receptionist and taking our room key.

I hand him a cheese stick. "It's one room with a queen bed. Is that good for you?" Alex asks.

I nod and and in a short while we're opening our room with our bags in hand. The room is spacious, with a small coffee station on the side and a queen bed with white sheets, a view of the town from the huge windows and the bathroom was spacious.

"Let's go find some food and try to find something to do for tonight." Alex says peeking his head in the bathroom. "Or do you have to pee again?"

I roll my eyes. "I'll be out in 2 minutes." Alex snickers as leaves the bathroom.


We end up at a cute diner with vintage posters on the wall, red and white tiles and a classic playlist.

A girl with round bright blue eyes leads up our table and hands us our menus as well as explains to us the daily specials before she leaves us to pick.

A few minutes pass and the waitress is back to take our order, I feel the panic rise.

"I'll take the double meat sandwich and a coke." Alex orders, I can't get through the menu fast enough to pick something, my leg is bouncing and my lungs are squeezing.

"And maam, what will you be having?"

"I want the-" I stutter nervously, I can feel the girl judging me.

"She'll have the Mexican waffle and a coke, a water will be appreciate now." Alex orders and I sigh relieved, the waitress nods and walks away, I slump down on the seat taking deep breaths.
Alex reaches over for my hand. "Breathe."

I nod and my water comes and I quickly gulp it down. "Thank you, no one's ever done that for me." Alex smiles and shortly afterwards our food comes.

I stare out the window as the lights and decorations on the other side of the road get my attention, when I turn back to Alex he has a mischievous smirk on, he asks the waitress what's happening on the other side and she replies saying it's a wedding with a dreamy sigh.

"No, we are not doing whatever you're thinking of." I say shaking my head but Alex is already too determined and I sigh defeated. "If we get caught, I'm kicking your ass."

"Deal." Alex agrees.

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