Chapter 4

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Ring, ring.
Ring, ring.


Ring, ring.
Ring, ring.

I groan as I reach over for my phone on the side table, I answer without looking at anything, feeling my body relax against the bed again, loving the warmth of it and the way I'm being enveloped by it like a blanket.

"Dear lord El, shouldn't you be awake by now?" Camille's voice snaps me into reality. I sit up quickly, Alex's arm falls from around and he groans with a yawn. "Is that a guy on your bed?"

I realize that I'm on a video call, I mentally swear before getting out of bed. "It's nothing really." I state.

Camille raises an eyebrow and than smirks. "Oooooo, you're blushing El, you finally had sex." She pretends to wipe tears. "I'm so proud of you El."

I roll my eyes. "You're getting too ahead of yourself." Alex sits up, he stretches his arms above his head and than yawns again. "There's nothing going on."

Camille snorts. "So the white shirt I saw was a ghost?"

I think on it for a bit, Alex looks at me confused. "Yes it's a guy." I say defeated. Camille starts squealing and jumping. "Let me show you." Alex moves to stand next to me and Camille shrieks as he waves at the screen.

"Is this the triple chocolate cookies girl?" He asks with a grin and I gasp. Camilleri reaction changes in a blink. "They were very delicious indeed." And than he steps out of frame, I grab a pillow and throw it at his face, he bursts out laughing.

"You guys ate my cookies?" Camille asks deadly patient. "My triple chocolate cookies?"

I nod hesitantly. "I told him not to touch them but he still did, I promise I will buy more."

Camille glares at me. "I expect 3 packets for me by the time I come back." I nod while grinning. Alex rolls his eyes at us, than holds up his clothes asking if he can head to the shower, I nod and he leaves the room. "You guys can already speak without using words." Camille gushes. "This might just be the one for you El."

I snort and gather my clothes for my shower. "You're getting high hopes." I close the bathroom door and put the phone on the vanity table. "We're literally nothing."

She raises an eyebrow. "You were cuddling, sleeping together, eating food together."

"And he's just a someone I need for fun alright." I declare losing my patience.

She rolls her eyes. "Remember your own rules, no feelings, no attachment and nothing more than 2 months."

I nod. "We're going in this trip together and than that's it."

"You're going on a trip together?" Camille gasps.

I nod. "Anyways, I'll call you later." Before she can protest I blow a kiss and cut the call. I find myself grinning and all excited as I get ready for the trip, I wear a light blue plain shirt with a plain black cargo pants. When I come out of the bathroom, my bed is all made and clean, my bag that was on the floor for the trip is no longer there. I head out to the living room just than the main door opens and Alex walks in, he's wearing a navy blue shirt shirt with black jeans, we're sort of matching.

"Do all women take 30 minutes to get ready?" Alex asks. "I took the liberty to pack our things in the car since you were taking an eternity."

"I did not take 30 minutes!" I exclaim. "I took 25 minutes."

Alex rolls his eyes. "How great of you." Than he chuckles. "We should get on the road, it's 6 AM already." I nod but than remember my backpack in the studio.

"You can head down, I forgot my backpack." I groan and head to the studio, I smile in satisfaction the moment I enter the room, it smells of different fragrances from different candles I've experimented on, this is my comfort zone.

"Dear God! This is your workspace." Alex marvels.

I feel the blood rise to my cheeks. "It's just something." I quickly dump anything I might require into my bag, mainly my set of notebooks full of notes and pens.

"This is a very beautiful studio." Alex comments, his fingers graze over the things on my shelf, he takes a deep breath. "What have you been brewing in here little witch?" Despite the nickname there's honesty in his voice as he takes in the studio.

"Plans for my future." I brush it off. "Now we should get going." Alex nods and exits the studio. In a few short seconds we're locking the house and heading down to my car.

"Do you drive or do I drive?" Alex asks.

"You're welcome to drive." I suggest handing him the car keys and take shotgun, I place my backpack by my feet. "Shit, I forgot my water bottle." I yelped.

"It's on the side of your seat already." Alex smiles and gets in the car, I frown confused and look inside and there it was, my water bottle right beside my seat. "Get in or we're going to get even more delayed."

I laugh and get in. "Thank you for bringing my water, for bringing everything."

"No worries." Alex brushes it off. "This is going to be an amazing trip."

I nod grinning as I connect my phone to the radio and my playlist starts playing.

No getting attached.
No feelings.
Nothing longer than 2 months.

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