Chapter 12

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"What are we doing today Liz?" Alex asks on the video call. "I can pick you up later perhaps and we could grab lunch together."

I sigh. "Not today, I want to talk to my siblings today and it's eating my head already."

Alex chuckles and turns on his side placing his phone on the bed, his hair falls to the side and the urge to run my hand through it pops up. "Than when you're done you can tell me and than we go somewhere."

I smile and nod. "Sounds like a great plan." Alex grins. "Anyways, why are you still in bed, it's 11?"

Alex groans and lays on his back. "My parents will want to convince me into going to a family gathering party or something. It's an hour away from here."

"Why aren't you going?" I ask confused.

Alex shrugs. "Too many people and I have just managed to get my anxiety at a low level recently, going to this thing will leave me on edge."

"Maybe you need to practice being around people, use this as an opportunity to overcome your anxiety for when you become a famous singer." I suggest.

Alex snorts. "I don't need to socialize with those type of people. I'm perfectly fine here or anywhere besides in a family gathering." There was an edginess to his voice. "Anyways I should go. Don't forget to message me when you're free." I nod and Alex cuts the call.

I plug my phone in the charger before heading to the living room where both Chris and Cate sit watching TV, I take a seat on the other couch.

"Are mom and dad gone to work?" I ask and Chris nods. "Can we talk for a moment?" Neither of them say anything, continuing to stare straight at the TV. "Just a bit." My patience starts running thin so I reach for the remote and switch off the TV. "Would you both listen to me for God's sake!" I snap frustrated.

Cate looks at me with a glare. "Speak than, you have our attentions."

"I want to know what's going on with you both. Summer vacation has started, you guys should be out doing some part time work, having fun." I tell them, Chris snorts and Cate rolls her eyes. "I'm speaking seriously." I glare at them, they both stand up and I do the same. "I'm not done talking so get your asses back on the couch."

"Oh shut up for fuck's sake, you've been out all this time trying to build yourself a life, you abandoned us here, you have a life while we're trapped here with mom and dad's rules." Chris sneers at me. "We have been going through hell all this time, we don't need you here just to make it worse."

"You could just tell me what's going on and I will help you." I reasom with them.

"Yes yes, I'm sure Elizabeth the most perfect child in the house is capable of doing everything we can't." Chris says sarcastically.

"I don't underneath your problem with me, I am trying to reach out for you and all you both do is blame me for the shit you do." I say upset.

"Fine than you want us to tell you what's wrong." Cate starts. "I'm pregnant." I frown, Chris clenched his jaw. "I accidentally got pregnant, I found out a couple weeks ago, I'm 5 weeks along. I only told Chris and when I told Tyler-"

"Tyler Henderson?" I fume.

"Yes, him. And he literally shut the door on my face and I have no one to turn to, not even you because you have been out living your perfect life." Cate cries. "I don't want you to interfere with our lives. You have and always will be the outcast, the weirdo, the girl everyone ignores. Maybe you should keep being like that and staying far away from us." Than she storms out with Chris following behind her.

I'm filled with rage, I grab my car keys and get in my car, I drive down to the beach where I have a feeling it's where Tyler will be and as expected he's sitting by the bar, I don't think as I walk up to him and when he turns to face me I throw the punch.

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