Chapter 5

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"Honestly, I don't know the lyrics of this song and besides, I don't sing." Alex grunts, I roll my eyes and carry on singing along with the radio that currently plays Diana by One Direction.

"You're making this not fun." I tease him, he looks at me with a smile and proceeds to sigh. "Is that a 'you'll sing with me' sigh?"

"No, absolutely not. I would much rather watch you." Alex comments. "Perhaps you could try another song."

"We're going with my playlist." I declare, Riptide by Vance Joy starts playing and I cheer. "This is also my favourite." I start wiggling my fingers on his face while singing along.

"If you play all the songs now than you'll get tired of them, we've only been on the road for an hour, we still have 17 hours left." Alex says. "You've also already eaten a packet of crackers."

"We'll stop to buy more snacks." I say. "But I shall declare now as questions time." I say boldly while putting down the music.

"Only if it can go both ways." Alex argues, I nod. "Than you can start."

"Okay so." I begin. "How is a guy like you not interested in anyone, every guy always wants the same thing, relationship, sex, women or men but they always want something?"

"I am very interested in those but I have bigger interests to worry about." He says. "Interests you will not know."

I groan. "Come on. I could help."

Alex smiles and shakes his head. "You probably already are Liz."

I grin. "I want to know. Pretty please with triple chocolate cookies."

"That's bribery." Alex states.

"Please Alex, I want to know, I want to help." I plead. "Fine than, what about this. I help you with your interests and you help me with mines." I suggest.

Alex thinks on it for a few minutes. "Sounds like a brilliant plan." I cheer. "But we need more to this deal than just this. We need more fun and excitement."

I frown confused. "I don't follow."

Alex groans impatient. "Okay so let's start by telling each other what our dreams are." I nod, I turn to face him on my seat, my feet on the chair. "I want to be a singer." He blurts, in a couple seconds his ears turn a cute shade of red and he doesn't look at me.

"A singer?" I ask, Alex nods. "You sing?" I ask raising an eyebrow, Alex nods again completely avoiding my eyes. "I'll need proof of that." I declare.

This time he turns to me. "No, definitely not."

"How do you plan on being a singer when you can't even share your voice with one person." I say with a shrug.

"You're blackmailing me." Alex complains. "But fine. Grab the wheel." Alex says and let's go of the wheel, the car swerve slightly as I take a hold of the wheel, Alex laughs. "Don't kill us." I lean closer and adjust my body while Alex takes out his phone. "Okay here it is."

Let it go by James Bay starts playing and I give Alex a confused look, he smiles and takes over the wheel as I sit back, lost but still vibing to the song, but it abruptly stops and that's when Alex takes over, his voice fills the car in waves, on the first note I nearly fall off the seat. The few seconds he sang kept ringing in echoes after he was done and the original song started playing again. I stare at Alex flabbergasted.

"Are you going to say something?" Alex asks nervously, he switches off his phone and than gives me a short side look. I was still gaping at Alex. "Honestly, you're making me sweat here from all this waiting." Alex blurts.

"You were." I start. "Amazing. How have you not taken this to a bigger level? You're a rockstar."

Alex shrugs. "I'm working on something original at the moment."

"Than what could you possibly need my help with?" I ask confused.

"Inspiration, I need heartbreak, I need a story, I need emotion." Alex explains.

"Okay, I see what you mean." I say.

"What about you? What's your interests?" Alex asks.

"I want to make a name for myself, I want to open my business, I want to travel but I need someone for inspiration, I want to feel heartbreak and passion and add it to my work, I want something unique." I explain. "It's dumb, I know-"

"It's brilliant, not dumb." Alex cuts off. "And I would be more than happy to help you with this."

"So we make the deal?" I nod.

"No strings, no attachments, at the end of the holidays we're going our own ways. We won't think twice about going our ways." I say.

"No calls or messages after we walk away." Alex says and I nod in agreement.


Hello people
Double update because I feel like it
Also I have decided to pick Thomas Day as Alex's voice, it was either him or Reagan Beem but I have settled for Thomas.
You're well to choose the voice as you please.
But do let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Lots of love

humyyussuf ♡

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