Chapter 10

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I let the smile on my lips linger there peacefully, I have no reason not to be happy, I'm on my way to see Alex, I've talked to my parents about me and I've had inspiration bursting everywhere.
Even now as I walk to the beach. I search around for Alex, it's still quite early but there's already people everywhere for a quick swim.

I spot Alex from the back and I make my way towards him, he hears my footsteps just as I reach him and he turns with a grin. "The queen has finally declared to leave her castle." He teases.

I swing my bag over him and he bursts out laughing, he than grabs it and pulls me closer, I step even closer so that his bare chest is right against my chest. "Enjoy my company while you can cookie." I say with a smirk.

He rolls his eyes and pushes me back. "Don't cookie me." He places my bag on the ground and takes out my towel from inside. "You're coming for a swim right?" He asks raising an eyebrow, I nod as I pull the shirt over my head exposing my red bikini to and I pull down my shorts. "You're feeling bold today." Alex states as his gaze does a quick up and down on my body.

I shrug. "Might have been the sleep I got last night." Alex grins. "Race you to the water." I blurt and than take off running.

"That's cheating!" Alex yells from behind me but in a few seconds his arms are wrapping around my waist and than we're both falling in the water as laughter steals our breath. I pull myself out of his grip, Alex smiles mischievously and throws me some water, I gasp and do the same, we end up having a 2 minute water war.

"I want to go further into the water." I tell Alex.

"You can swim?" I shake my head. "Than on my back you go." I do a quick cheer as Alex bends down slightly, I loop my thighs around his waist and my arms around his neck, he grips my thigh and stands up. "Your legs feel great around me." He says with a smirk starting to walk deeper in.

"I know they do. They'll probably make any guy look hot." I reply with an equal smirk, Alex laughs and nods. Soon enough, Alex is chin deep in the water.

"I want to get down." I say.

"Are you sure?" I nod and Alex releases his grip on my thigh, I slowly unhook my legs from around his waist and he grips my waist, I remove my arms from around his neck and suddenly my head goes fully down and water rushes inside my nose but Alex is quickly lifting me up and keeping me against him. I cough trying to get the water out of my system. "Breathe and relax." Alex instructs calmly, he pulls away slightly but my body goes back down again but he's quicker to pull me back.

I try to calm down my breathing and relaxing my body. Alex doesn't move his gaze away from me. "I want to go back." Alex nods and turns so I can climb on his back again.

"You good?" He asks concerned.

"Great although I think I'll stick to where ny feet reaches the bottom for now." I say with a quiet chuckle, I place my chin on Alex's shoulder, I can feel his muscles against my body as he walks towards the sand. When we get to where I can walk, he places me down and I sigh relieved. "Yes, definitely sticking to ground for now."

Alex snickers. "I'll go get us some ice lollies." He ruffles my hair and I push him off, Alex walks away laughing.
I smile to myself and lay down on the beach chair, I grab my book from my beach bag and lose myself in the words. The smell of the beach and the smell of book fills me with the most amazing warmth and comfort and I'm tempted to staying here forever.

"Hey there." I look up to find a girl of around my age, she has shoulder length strawberry blonde hair with chocolate shade eyes. "I saw that you seem to be alone and I was wondering if you would like to join my friend and I." She smiles, she holds out her hand. "I'm Sarah."

I shake her hand. "Elizabeth and yes, I would very much like to join." She grins and nudges her head for me to follow her. A red haired girl waves us over to the cocktail bar.

"Elizabeth, this is Ruby." Sarah introduces, I wave at Ruby and she gasps shocked.

"I know you!" She gushes. "I remember you from back in senior year, we were in the same class."

I dig back into my memory trying to find if I remember her but come up blank, I smile embarrassed. "I didn't really pay much attention to my classmates back than, I barely remember everyone."

She brushes it off with her hand. "It's fine but I'm really glad to have met you again."

"So Eli, do you have a boyfriend?" Sarah asks grinning. "Someone as hot as you can't be single."

I shrug. "I don't really have the mind for distractions right now, I'm more focused on myself now."

"I wish I could have done that." Ruby says handing me a lemonade, Sarah rolls her eyes playfully and nudges Ruby which causes her to smile and laugh.
A commotion pulls us out of our conversation, a circle of people were forming a few metres away. "Let's go check what's happening." Ruby says and starts walking towards the commotion, Sarah and I follow behind her. We squeeze ourselves through the people and I frown when I see Alex right in the middle, he's holding a popsicle on each hand, Tyler Henderson stands right opposite him with a smirk.

"Ooff, those two are more than welcome on my bed." Ruby says with a dreamy sigh and I shudder at the thought.

"Where's your girlfriend Alexander?" Tyler asks sarcastically. "I hope you're keeping her entertained right, wouldn't want her to be swooned by someone else." I step into the ring and Ruby grabs my arm but I shake her off, Tyler and Alex turn to me, Alex tighten his jaw and nudges his head for me to step away whilst Tyler just snickers. "Speak of the bitch and here she comes."

"At least I'm not the one with absolutely nothing besides the undying desire to make a fool of himself." I retort, the crowd cheers and I smirk at Tyler who goes red. Alex is still a bit tense. "Is this all you know how to do Henderson, getting in fights knowing you will lose, perhaps you like making a fool of yourself, if that's the case than let me assist you." The crowd bursts out laughing, Tyler starts marching towards me and I stand my ground.

"You're gonna pay for this darling." He whispers and walks away, my legs nearly give up underneath me but Alex is there by my side and pulling me to his chest, the crowd disperses and when I glance to the side, Ruby and Sarah are also gone.

"He touches you and I cut off every limb of his." Alex says, his one hand is around my waist whilst the other holds my head to his chest.

I chuckle. "I'll hold on to that promise." Alex nods and I pull back. "Lunch!" I suggest. "You owe me a popsicle." He laughs and pushes me off.

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