Chapter 27

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"Lizzy!" I hear Alex calling me but I'm too invested in my dream. "Lizzy, wake up." I finally touch the cotton candy and I cheer, I go for a bite but Alex is shaking me awake.

"Nooo, I had just gotten the cotton candy." I groan and try to fall back asleep hoping to go back to my dream.

"Liz, you have the meeting with Nikolas." I'm up in a blink. "It's 7 45. You go get ready, I'll go prepare you something quick and light go eat and I'll go prepare your essentials bag."

I'm jumping out of bed and rushing to the bathroom, I take a quick shower and while I'm drying my hair with the hairdryer I pick my clothes, I settle for a beige cargo pants and a dark green top, I leave my hair down and hop onto my tekkies before rushing to my studio, I grab my bag and make sure that I have the few samples and my notebook, I make sure my prns are working and that I have everything I might need before I swing my bag over my shoulder.

"Liz! Come on." Alex calls out and I'm running out of the studio, nearly tripping on the way but Alex is grasping me and pulling me up. "Careful little witch." He says grinning, he holds out a water bottle, lunch box and my car keys, than he presses his lips to mines for a quick few seconds. "You'll do great." I grin and tell him goodbye before I leave the apartment.

I spend the 20 minutes drive to this restaurant wondering how it will go or what I will say and than I reach the restaurant, I only take my shoulder bag and I see Nikolas already waiting for me.

He grins at me as he stands up from his seat and drops a kiss on my cheek. "I was starting to think you had bailed on me."

I chuckle. "I just had a late start, I apologise for making you wait."

He brushes it off. "No worries love." I smile at him and we start discussing work.


I'm grinning from one ear to the other, just barely containing my excitement as I drive back home, I play the radio a bit higher letting it reflect my happiness and than I reach home, I grab my things and than walk up to the apartment, I knock once but hear nothing on the other side, I frown confused but either way take out the emergency key from underneath the welcome carpet and open the door.

"Alex! I have news." I call excitedly but hear nothing back, I leave my things by the coffee table and than head to the living room. "Alex?"
I gasp shocked when I see Alex passed out on the floor in the kitchen, I'm quickly falling down beside him and taking his head on my lap. "Shit, Alex. Come on, open your eyes." I'm panicking, I feel my heart beating fast, he has a pulse, his breathing is slowed but he's still not waking up.

I grab some water and sprinkle on his face, a few seconds later his eyes start moving and he opens them with a groan, I sigh relieved as I help him sit up. "What on earth happened?" I ask confused as I pull back his hair from his face.

"I was doing or going-" Alex starts but his eyes are scrunched together. "I was going for the-" He can't seem to be able to focus on one sentence and I can see the rage burning in his eyes, I turn his face to me.

"Breathe, just follow me." I breathe in and out, Alex is watching me intently and it takes a few seconds for him to catch his breath. "That's it, you're safe."

He takes a deep breath in. "I got up too fast and I had accidentally skipped breakfast and lunch so I felt dizzy but couldn't get to anything sugary fast enough." I lean my forehead against his. "I'm fine."

"Let's get you up and on the couch, I'll order us some takeout." I instruct, Alex nods and than he's getting up with a groan.

"My head is going to burst with this." He says with a groan and clutches his head, he still seems half dazed as he grabs onto the counter for support, than he leans his head down on it. "I'm fine, I'm fine." He seems to be saying it more to himself than to me, I rub his back slowly, he stands up and lets me help him to the couch, he curls into himself, I touch his forehead and it's heated.

"You're running a fever." I say worried. "I'm going to go make you some lemon tea."
I run my hand through his hair. "Do you think you will need the doctor?"

"I just need sleep." Alex mumbles. "No doctor."

"Try to stay awake for a little bit." I drop a kiss on his forehead before heading back to the kitchen, I place the lemon tea on the stove before I go grab a blanket and throw it over Alex, I shut the curtains and order some soup.
I pour the tea and than walk back to the living room, Alex's eyes are shut close and he's still curled up.

I shake him gently and he's awake in an instant, he sits up and takes the tea from my hands. "Lemon tea will help with your fever. Soup is on the way." I brush the back of my hand against his cheek and he leans into the touch.

"Thank you." He says and kisses the palm of my hand. "I promise I'm fine."

I smile. "No worries, just finish the tea and than we can eat a bit and than you can rest." Alex nods and doesn't say anything else, I can see his eyes darting around the room, confusion covers them for a split second before he's blinking it away and I find myself getting more worried.

The bell rings and I go get the door, the delivery guy hands me my package and I pay him before going to the kitchen, I serve the soup into 2 bowls and than take it to the living room, Alex had placed the empty cup on the coffee table, he takes the bowl from my hands and he sighs as he inhales the smell of it.

"Your meeting, how did it go?" He asks with a frown, I must have had a very hesitant look on my face because Alex rolled his eyes. "I want to hear about it, come on, tell me how it went."

I release a breath. "Fabulous, Nik said that in 3 weeks he's going to host another function to promote my business and than he said that he's going to help me buy a studio and if I need, he can help me find a helper."

Alex smiles. "That's great news Lizzy." I nod. "I need to sleep." Alex says after he finished eating, I take the bowl from his hand and his head basically collapses on the pillow, I pull the blanket over him and he's asleep in a few seconds.

It seems like it's going to be a long night.

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