Chapter 16

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Cate shakes her leg rapidly while biting her finger nails, I place my hand on her shoulder, our parents frown confused. "What's wrong Cate?" Mom asks.

"You're leaving us worried." Dad says anxiously.

"I did something bad." Cate starts, mom and dad frown confused. "I-" She hesitates and I squeeze her shoulder reassuringly. "I'm pregnant." The silence spreads across the dining room, mom and dad stare at her shocked, Cate had stopped biting her finger nails. "It was an accident, I thought we were safe and than I found out about this and I didn't know what to do." Cate sobs.

Mom is first to recover. "What about the father of the child?"

Cate sobs even harder. "He refuses to take his part in anything and said I should do whatever I want." I clench my jaw, maybe I could tell Alex to help me raid his house and go throw eggs everywhere.

"Cate you're 17 years old." Dad says. "What were you thinking?" He stands up and starts pacing.

"I don't know, I thought everything was fine." Cate cries, mom reaches over and holds Cate's hand.

"What is your decision?" Mom asks.

"I want to keep the baby." Cate says.

"We will support you Cate but you must know that taking care of baby at your age will be hard." Mom explains. "But you will have us there to help you."

Dad looks ready to argue but he sighs and nods, they both hug Cate as she sobs and I take that as my lead to walk away. I head to my room and as expected, there's a message from Alex.

I'm bored, I got us VIP tickets to the fair. Get dressed, I'll be there at 18

It's 17 36 at the moment so I quickly pack my bag with any essentials I need, I find my mom and Cate in the kitchen. I grab a few grapes for a quick snack before going out.

"Where are you going?" Mom asks.

"To the fair with Alex, he got us tickets." I say cheerfully, I take a seat on the stool. Mom and Cate grin at each other and than pretend that nothing happened. "Alex and I are friends."

"We didn't say anything." Cate says with a smirk. "We simply hope you have fun." Mom nods in agreement, I roll my eyes. "Oh and there he is." Cate says at the hooting.
I kiss my mom's cheek and leave the house.

"Well hello there little witch." Alex greets cheerfully. "Are you ready for a night full of inspiration?"

I nod excitedly. "I could die with all this excitement." Alex chuckles and drives off. "I have decided to go back home in 2 days."

Alex thinks on it. "I told my parents I want to do a music course there while I wait for my acceptance letter from Manhattan."

"So you're coming with?" I ask, Alex nods and I squeal excited and throw my arms around him and the car swerved slightly causing the both of us to yell, Alex pushes me back to my seat while laughing. "I'm so excited for it."

Alex smiles. "Me too Liz." Shortly afterwards we've reached the fair, it's full of lights and people and I jump out of the car impatient, Alex has to jog to catch up with me, he shows our tickets and they let us in. "Where to first?" I'm too lost in all that's happening inside to reply. "How about a ride first?" I nod and let Alex lead me to one.

We decide on this pirate ship one, basically many people in this carriage that looks like a ship and than the ship moves backwards and forwards really fast.
We don't have to wait the line so we quickly enter it and they strap us in, I start to feel my lungs squeezing and the anxiety creeping in.
Alex turns to me and presses a gentle kiss on the side of my head. "Breathe. Everything is great."
He reaches over for my pinky and I'm filled with relief, the ride starts moving and I squeeze my eyes shut, it starts going faster and we're both screaming and laughing at the same time.

It lasts a couple minutes and than it stops, we're laughing and when we step out I throw my arms around Alex's neck, he spins me around and than pulls back. "We have more rides to try." And we try all of them, we win a few prizes here and there, we get snacks in between. We leave the ferris wheel for last, I hop from one foot to the other excitedly, I accidentally miss a step and stumble back only to bump into someone else whom catches me. Such a cinematic moment.

"Are you okay?" The guy asks, I did and stand up. He has a cute smile and gorgeous green eyes, the same eyes I used to have a crush on back in 4th grade.

"Liz, you good?" Alex asks concerned.

The guy gasps in recognition. "You're Elizabeth Sullivan?" Alex raises an eyebrow at him.

I smile and nod. "That is correct, you're Nathan Ayre." He cheers and pulls me in a hug. Alex clears his throat and Nathan pulls back embarrassed. "We were in 4th and 5th grade together, did lots of projects together and we-"

"Had a crush on each other." Nathan finishes.

A weird look crosses over Alex's eyes but it quickly fades. "Now that's a very interesting thing."

"Are you two together?" Nathan asks.

"Definitely not, in fact if you have no one, you're welcome to take Lizzy up on the ferris wheel, she's been dying to go all night long." Alex suggests.

I frown and turn to him. "Are you sure?"

Alex nods and takes the gifts from my hand, he drops a kiss on the side of my head. "I'll be waiting here for you." I smile and let Nathan take my hand, I wave back at Alex and enter a carriage. The ferris wheel towers over everything else.

"I can't believe we're meeting after all this time." Nathan says, I nod. "Where have you been all this time?"

The carriage starts moving and I feel the dread of not having Alex here but I stuff it in. "I moved out from my parents and decided to visit."

Nathan chuckles. "That has always been your goal Eli." I nod with a laugh.

"What about you? Did you get into the art school?" I ask.

He grins. "Yes, I start as soon as the holidays end." The carriage stops in the middle and I frown confused. "I didn't know we were stopping. Maybe your friend had gotten special tickets for the view." There doesn't seem to any faults or people panicking at the bottom, Alex had gotten us these tickets so that we could have the moment with the view of the city.

"The view is great." I marvel and Nathan agrees.
He holds my hand and I turn to him with a grin.

"I've wanted to do this since 5th grade." And than he's leaning in, his hand cups my cheek and I lean towards him as well, our lips interlock and I feel my heart do a flip, the kiss lasts barely a minute, but I don't feel the electricity or fireworks or I don't see his stupid grin and his forehead against mines. Nathan chuckles and pulls back, his hand doesn't leave mines. "I'm very happy to have met you tonight, you definitely made it 10 times better."

I lean my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad to have bumped into you too." Soon afterwards the ride starts moving again and we're reaching the bottom.

Nathan hands me a paper and pecks my lips quickly. "I hope you stick around my life for quite some time." Than he walks away.

Alex grins at me. "I'm guessing it went great."

I feel the blush cover my face and I push his shoulder. "You had special tickets for us?"

Alex nods. "I figured you'd want to enjoy the view." I take my share of gifts from his hands. "I'm glad it served a purpose with the guy. You guys definitely hit it off."

"Yes now can we go home so I can text him." I say excitedly, Alex snickers and nods, we walk to the car and place our bags in the back.
I lean my head against the window and let out an exhausted sigh. "Tonight was fabulous Alex. Thank you." I feel his pinky interlocking over mines and than I fall asleep.

When I wake up again, I'm tucked in bed, all the gifts had been placed in the corner of my room, on my desk was a note.

Goodnight little witch.
And the gifts are all for you:D

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