Chapter 21

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(Smut warning)

Being back home feels so nice. "I could do with a bath right now." I say dreamy. I drop my bags on the floor by my room.

Alex chuckles. "How about you take your bath and I prepare us some lunch."
Than he comes up behind me and he presses on my shoulders and rolls it gently, releasing the pressure, I melt back against his arms and Alex drops a kiss on the side of my head.

"We need to go shopping first. The fridge is empty." I say.

"Than let's get done with the shopping now and than we can come back and you can take your bath and I will prepare lunch and than we can watch a movie." Alex suggests and pulls back. "I also took the liberty of leaving my bags on your couch, my guitar as well."

"I'm so excited to hear you play more." I say excitedly.

Alex rolls his eyes and takes the car keys. "Maybe."


"Okay so we need milk, vegetables, I don't have any sort of meat at home and we're out of cereal." I tell Alex as he takes the trolley.

"Either we can each go our own sections and get things and than meet up or we just walk around and grab what we need." Alex suggests.

"Or you can do the walking, I want to sit." Alex looks at me confused but I hop on the trolley. "I've always wanted someone to push me around the supermarket."

Alex laughs. "Fine but if you get squashed with everything we have to buy, it's not my fault." And he pushes the trolley.

About 30 minutes later we're leaving the supermarket, neither of us can stop laughing. I look around the parking lot and there aren't any cars driving, I let Alex unload the bags and than I grin at him. "Push me around the parking lot."

Alex looks at me like I'm crazy. "Someone could drive and bump."

"There's no cars at the moment. Pretty please." I ask with as much sweetness I could possibly have.

Alex shoves my face away but sighs. "If we die, I'm not letting your soul rest in peace." I cheer and Alex laughs.
He grips the handle of the trolley and than he takes of running, I'm screaming and laughing, I sit on my knees and grip the sides of the trolley letting the wind push past us.
I hear Alex swearing and than the trolley is swerving, it hits a bump sending me crashing backwards and than it swerved and toppled, sending me to ground, I bang my head on the ground and I feel the scrape of the concrete against my body.
My head is bleeding, my body hurts and I'm pretty sure I've died.

"Liz, come on, open your eyes!" Alex says frantically, I groan as I open my eyes, Alex sighs relieved and than he's pulling me to his chest. "Fucking hell, I had twisted my foot and the trolley slipped from my grip, I'm so sorry." Alex rambles, than he pulls back. "Shit, your head is bleeding as well." Than he's carrying me. "Stay awake Lizzy." There's so much panic in his voice.

"I'm fine." I mumble with a groan, I push myself up in his arms. "It was just a scratch." I touch my head and wince. "Ouch, that was a very horrible choice I made."

Alex stops and looks at me. "I'm going to drop you right here and right now and get you back in your senses." He says with a glare.

I loop my arms around his neck feeling the burn on the scratch in my arm. "I promise you I'm fine, just a few scratches here and there."

"You were out cold for 2 minutes Lizzy, you could be seriously injured." Alex says, he holds up 3 fingers. "How many?"

"3. I'm fine." I reassure him. "Now can we go home so I can get this cut cleaned and get my bath." Alex's body melts with relief, he nods and kisses the side of my head.

"I'm going to steal your food the next time you suggest doing anything remotely as dumb as this." Alex says, I nod with a laugh.


"There you go, all cleaned." Alex says. "Now your thigh." I nod and stand up, Alex holds on to my arm when I wince, I slide down my jeans, I feel the heat rush to my face, stupid scratch had to be on the inside of my thigh, I sit back on the couch, my heart drumming out everything else. "Relax little witch." Alex says gently, he pushes me back on the sofa so I'm leaning back relaxed, he grips my thigh and places my foot on the sofa, he nudges my other thigh to the side and I feel the rush of cold against my insides and I inhale deeply. "I'll be quick, I promise." Than he's cleaning the cut, despite the burn and sting of the alcohol against my cut, I'm more focused on the way Alex's hand feels against my thigh and would occasionally blow on the cut but I felt the shivers up and down my spine and they burn something in my lower stomach.

I was out of breath while Alex worked and my brain was shutting down, the cut was dangerously closer to where I burn with need and I release a big gasp and push Alex away, I stand up and take deep breaths.

"Liz-" Alex starts.

"I just need a moment, I'm sorry. I'm just all weird and frustrated with myself." I blurt to Alex embarrassed.

Alex pulls me back to him, he tilts my face to look at him. "Relax, deep breaths." He instructs than he presses his lips to my forehead. "You're sexually frustrated, I get it and there's nothing you should be embarrassed about." I groan and lean my head against his chest. "You're a human being Liz, everyone gets into a heat and I'm not judging you."

"But it's embarrassing, I don't even know how to make it go away." I say with a sigh, Alex rests his head on top of mines and I feel his hand run up and down my spine and I feel my heart pick up its pace.

"Try to relax." Alex says as his one arm wraps around my waist and than the other drifts slowly down to the bottom of my shirt, I'm panting and Alex rests his lips on the side of my head. "Is it okay?" My brain doesn't process the question. "Liz, I need your words."

"Yes, yes carry on." I mumble against his chest.
He slips his hand underneath my shirt and I gasp at the contact, than Alex's hand drifts down, I shudder with every millimetre he goes, his other hand is gently making small circles on my waist. The moment his hand makes contact with my clit my legs threaten to give up and I grasp Alex's shirt just as he tightens his grip around my waist.

"You got to breathe Liz." Alex says softly, he makes small circles with his thumb on my clit, I'm biting my tongue as he picks up his pace. "Still with me?" I nod.

"More." I say breathless, Alex nods and than he slides my panty to the side, the rush of cold against the wetness in between my legs has a breaking out of me.

"That's it, I need your voice." Alex encourages, his finger grazes my slit and he coats them in my arousal, than he pushes a finger inside me and I moan, such a raw noise that I have never made, something full of pleasure. "Bloody hell Liz, you're squeezing my finger so very well." Than he's pulling his finger out and than back in, he does it a few times. "Relax for me please." I try to let my body relax. "That's it." Than he presses another finger in and I had gone up on the balls of my feet, I bite down on Alex's shoulder. He moves both fingers in and out, everytime he strikes the spot inside me that has me curling my toes and moaning against Alex's shoulder.

His thumb continues the circles on my clit, I feel the tightness in my lower belly. "Hold it." Alex says but he keeps the pace of his hand, my eyes were tightly shut, my entire body was tight with tension, begging for release. "Let go." I shatter with breathless moans, my body convulses and shakes from the orgasm, Alex keeps his movements until I ride out the orgasm. "Atta girl." He says softly. "You did fabulous." He kisses my head, my body collapses against his.
He pulls out his fingers and I wince at the emptiness.


"Shhhhh." Alex cuts than he pulls back, he drops my waist and than brings his hand to my face to push my hair back. "How about you go have that bath while  I prepare lunch and than we can watch a movie." I nod and he grins as he presses his lips to my forehead.

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