Chapter 13

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Alex's POV

I knock on Tyler's door, I hear grunts and groans on the other side and eventually the door opens, I'm swinging my fist the moment Tyler opens the door.

He falls backwards and I'm on top of him with my fists at a constant assault. Someone is pulling me back from Tyler. "What is going on here?" His stepfather asks, I shrug him off. "I demand an answer."

"I don't know Alexander, exactly what the fuck are you doing here?" Tyler grits than realization flashes across his eyes and he stands up with a chuckle. "I see now, your little girlfriend got hurt because you weren't there." I advance towards him but his stepfather quickly pulls me back. "She's a weak bitch with absolutely no life or fun-" I'm pushing his stepfather away and pushing Tyler against the wall, my hands around his neck.

"If you so much as touch her or look at her, I swear to God Ty, I will drag you to the deepest parts in hell and make sure you burn and everyone will know." I pull back and Tyler slides down the wall gasping for air.

His stepfather pulls me back and than he's on the ground examining Tyler.
Tyler just smirks at me. "Careful Alexander, you're catching feelings."
I turn away from him, his laughter follows behind me, I head to my car, my knuckles are bleeding, I wrap them up.

Liz's POV

I walk out of Alex's room, I hear noises coming from the kitchen, I follow it and find a shirtless Alex working on the breakfast, he looks up grinning. "Good morning little witch." I snort. "How are you feeling?" He walks towards me than tilts my face gently to examine the hand bruises on my neck and the small cut on my eyebrow. "Does it hurt?" His knuckles are wrapped and I frown confused.

"Just a little sting. What happened?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

Alex rolls his eyes. "I ran into a pole." He drops a kiss on the top of my head. "Now why don't you sit down for breakfast."

I sigh as Alex leads me to the table. "Do I have to?" Alex nods and places a plate of waffles in front of me, he puts the ice cream tub and the caramel syrup in front of me and than he takes his own plate and sits in front of me.

"You made the waffles?" I ask taking a bite.

Alex snorts. "I could never make that happen. Store bought, I heated them up."

I grin. "How nice of you." Alex chuckles and we both eat in silence, I take slow bites and I see Alex taking slow bites as well. I eat the entire waffle and Alex sighs relieved.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Alex asks taking our plates away, I nod. "Okay than, let me go wear a shirt and than I take you home." He walks past me and ruffles my hair with a chuckle. A few minutes later we're in his car and on our way to my house. "I'll come in with you." Alex says and follows me to the house.

I knock once, Alex interlocks our pinky fingers, shortly afterwards the door opens and my mom gasps a sob and engulfs me in a hug. "We were so worried about you, where have you been?" She pulls me in the house and Alex's hold on me slips out, I look back and he's in the house.

My dad pulls me for a hug as well. "Where on earth have you been?" They pull back and my mom gasps and so does my dad, he turns to Alex. "What happened?"

"It wasn't him, someone tried to jump me in the street and if it hadn't been for Alex, I would be a lot worse." I explain, Alex gives a nod to agree. "I'm fine." I assure my parents.

My dad strides towards Alex and engulfs him in a hug. "Thank you." My mom is than pulling me to the living room where Cate is.

She strides towards me and pulls me in a hug. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said. I'm so sorry." She cries against my shoulder.

I hug her back. "It's fine, don't worry." When she pulls back Chris is hugging me.

"You gave us a heart attack." Chris says. "Just because we said what we said doesn't mean we want you gone. I am so sorry for everything we said." Mom frowns confused and I shrug innocently. Chris pulls back. "What happened to your face?"

I brush it off. "A guy jumped me on the street." Alex and dad walk in and I catch Alex smiling at me.

"I have decided that we are to have a dinner tonight, the Sullivans will be joining us." Dad states. Than him and mom leave the living room excitedly talking about the dinner.

Chris turns back to me. "What happened to your face? Who hurt you?"

I shrug. "I told you someone jumped me on the street." Cate raises an eyebrow than she turns to Alex. "Yes yes, Alex saved me from the guy."

"You went to Tyler didn't you?" Cate asks and Chris frowns.

"I broke his nose but clearly it came with a cost." I say with a nod.

"You confronted Tyler Henderson!" Chris says shocked and angry.

"He's been taken care off." Alex says, I spin to face him and raise an eyebrow.

"We have things to do." Cate says randomly and than she's pulling Chris away with her.

"He's the pole you ran into?" I ask.

Alex shrugs and he pulls me to his chest. "He hurt you and there's no way I'd let him get away with it."

"You could have gotten hurt." I tell him, Alex laughs and drops a kiss on my forehead.

"I have to go home but I will see you later and I will bring back your car." I nod and he walks away. I sigh and head to my room, I desperately need a shower. Cate and Chris were both in my room.

"What is it?" I ask them both.

"You and Alexander?" Cate starts.

I roll my eyes. "We're just friends, acquaintances with a deal."

Chris snorts. "I don't know who is more blind but as you say sis."

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