Chapter 15

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Alex had sent me a text saying that he will come pick me up at 12 for the wedding.
At 10 Cate is already in my room helping me pick my clothes. "We nearly kissed night." I randomly say.

Cate gasps and drops the dress she was holding. "When, how?"

"When we had gone to the garden, it just happened and I don't know what to do now." I say with a groan.

"Do you have feelings against it?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, I usually don't have any feelings when it comes to guys, maybe I need to back away from him." I ponder.

"Nope, you shouldn't." Cate says. "You guys are cute together and you both understand each other." I snort and she rolls her eyes. "You didn't see the way he looks at you Eli."

"He barely looked at me after what happened in the garden." I tell her.

"Yes he did, he looked at you like you're all that matters to him, he looked at you like you're his entire world." Cate says. "Maybe you need to talk to him."

I nod and she grins and goes back to helping me pick a dress.

2 hours later I was dressed in a midi dress, maroon with a low back, gold heels and my hair down. There's a knock on the door and Cate squeals excitedly as she pushes me to the door, I open it and Alex blinks shocked, I wave at him and he breathes out a laugh. "You look gorgeous."

I let the brush cover my face. "You don't look bad yourself." And I meant it, especially with his black and black suit. Cate nudges me out of the house and with a wave closes the door, I roll my eyes and Alex takes my hand, he opens my door and than heads to his side.

"Thank you for being my plus one for this wedding." Alex says during the drive. "I was going to tell you last night during dessert time but you had already left."

"I needed to get away for a while and ended up falling asleep." I made up.

Alex nods in understanding. "Are we okay?" He's tapping the steering wheel at a rapid speed. "I feel the tension and I don't like it, I shouldn't have made the move last night, I was caught up in the heat of the moment."

"It's fine Alex, don't worry." I say.

"But you left the dinner because of it, don't deny it, I know you." Alex says and than he's parking the car outside the venue, He turns to face me and I see the worry in his eyes. "I'm sorry for the move, if I could take it back I would do it."

I nod and just lean my forehead against his. "Let's just forget about it and go out and enjoy the wedding." Alex chuckles and nods.

I hook my arm through his elbow and we walk in, everything was a mixture of gold and a light blue and beige, it was gorgeous.
"This is beautiful." I say in awe, Alex hums in agreement. We get our seats with Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, they both compliment my dress.

Alex grabs the napkin from the table and makes a paper ring and hands it to me, I'm about to say thank you but the speeches start, in my opinion, they're very boring especially if you don't know the bride and groom yourself. There's camera men all around taking pics.

The speeches finish and than the food comes out. "Let's go explore." Alex says and pulls me from ny seat, everyone turns to us and Mr. Sullivan rolls his eyes at Alex.

"We can't." I whisper to Alex who merely smirks and takes my hand, we head deeper into the hotel, his hand doesn't leave mines. "I want to bail on this wedding but I also want cake and a dance with you." I say.

Alex laughs and pushes me slightly. "We will have cake and dance and than we bail." We end up at the balcony overlooking the beach.
We stand there for a few minutes and than we make our way back to the party, the dances had started already but before Alex can ask me to dance, his mom is pulling me to the side and asking me for help with straightening her dress at the back, when I turn back to Alex, a girl is chatting with him and I feel a blow to my chest.

Someone taps my shoulder and I spin to find a dashing young man with eyes as blue as the ocean and a smile to woo any girl. "Mind if I have a dance?"

I look back at Alex but he's still busy with the girl so i take the young man's hand and he leads me to the dance floor, he places his hand on my waist and holds my other hand up. "May I know your name?"

"Elizabeth Quinn." I introduce myself.

"Fred Powell." He says with a smile and I smile back, he spins me and pulls me back and I chuckle at how sudden it was.
I catch Alex's gaze on us, he's frowning and I roll my eyes at him bringing my attention back to Fred, we dance 2 songs together, laughing at random things before Alex taps his shoulder.

"Move rat." He says with a glare.
Fred looks at me constantly and I smile at him innocently, he sighs and walks away, Alex turns to me and holds out his hand for me to take, I ignore it and walk away but he grabs my hand and pulls me back. "One dance, I owe you one dance."

I accept defeat and nod, Alex smiles victorious and places his one hand on my waist drawing me closer to him, his other hand holds mines up and my other hand rests on his shoulder, I feel the warmth of his hand against my back through the dress, it just barely touches my bare skin but it's enough to send jolts up my spine, with Alex there's more spins and dips and his hand would occasion slip down to my leg during a dip.
The world fades into oblivion and it's just us in this dance but it quickly ends and we walk out of the dance floor.

We greet his parents and leave the wedding. "Now where do we go?" I ask Alex.

"The beach." Alex says and I squeal excited. "Who were you dancing with?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Who were you chatting with?" I counter.

Alex chuckles. "Touche." I smile. "A distant cousin, she was asking if I had by any chance seen her boyfriend around."

Relief floods me. "Fred Powell, just someone who asked to dance with me."

Alex parks the car by the beach, than we walk out, Alex takes a blanket with and lays it on the sand, the beach is calm and peaceful, the sun is close to setting leaving beautiful shades of orange and red in the sky.

"You guys seemed to have been enjoying yourselves." Alex says.

I snort. "He was definitely a nice guy to dance with and besides, why do you care?"

Alex sighs. "Nothing, never mind."

"Now you're mad?" I ask turning to face him.

A muscle in his jaw twitches. "I wanted your first dance tonight." My heart skips a beat. "I promised you a dance and I wanted to be your first dance."

I feel the blush crawl up my neck. "You gave me a dance."

Alex turns to me. "I got the 3rd dance."

"And it was still the best." I tell him. "Now can we just enjoy the sunset."

Alex gives up and smiles, I rest my head on his shoulder and he hangs his arm around my shoulders.

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