Chapter 3

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"Do you have a girlfriend Alex?" I ask while opening the door to my apartment. "I wouldn't want her to think you're cheating or something."

Alex smiles as he enters my apartment. "I don't have one, as you said, I don't have time for such distractions." He does a look over of my apartment. "You live here alone?" He places his duffel bag on the sofa.

"I share the apartment with a friend but she left this morning to spend the summer with family." I head to my room and I hear his steps following behind me. "You're not going to turn into a serial killer right?" I blurt randomly and than gasp as I turn around, Alex is grinning and he bursts out laughing. "It was a random thought, I didn't mean to voice it."

He's still laughing. "I can assure you I'm not a serial killer." I groan embarrassed and head back to my room. "I do although have a tendency of stealing food." He leans against the doorway of my room.

I shrug. "I would not steal any of the triple chocolate cookies if I were you unless you wish to drown in your own blood by my friend."

"I wouldn't think it's that bad to steal cookies right?" He asks with a mischievous smile, he's also watching me as I take out some clothes for the trip.

"If I hear that while being her best friend, you as a stranger might get something worse." I go up on my toes to retrieve my duffel bag, my fingers barely graze the bag, I'm about to give up when I feel his body press behind me, his right chest against my back and I feel the heat of his body seep through the shirt of his that I wear, the smell of coconut mixed with a minty cologne is stronger at the proximity, and he reaches over for my bag.

"Women and their short heights." He teases, removing the bag and steps back.

I gasp. "I am offended." He smiles and places the bag on the bed. "That's a mean thing to say, I'm not short." I declare.

"You can't reach the top of your closet so you probably can't reach the top cabinet in the kitchen neither, you climb on the counters to reach them." He states and my jaw drops because I really do climb on the countertops.

"Are you a stalker?" I blurt again.

He chuckles. "I'm great at assessing things." He tilts his head. "Now why don't you finish packing."

"Impatient imbecile." I mutter and he gasps.

"You insult me?" I nod. "Fine than, you're strawberry shortbread." He smirks.

"That's not fair. I already said I'm not short." I grab a pillow from my bed and throw it at him.

"I know but you can't change the fact that you can't reach top cabinets." He throws the pillow back at me. "Also if you don't mind, can I use a shower?"

I laugh at his easiness. "Go ahead but I hope you brought your own shampoo and things because us girls don't like sharing with men."

He rolls his eyes and heads out of the room. A few minutes later I hear the bathroom down the hall closing and water running. I finish pack everything I need for tomorrow, mentally going over my checklist. I head into the kitchen to pack the snacks for the trip, the cooler bag for it sits on the counter and I throw the snacks I brought earlier this week, we'll buy drinks on the way, I fill my water bottle and leave it in the fridge.

Just as I'm closing the cooler bag I hear the bathroom door opening. "You have a fabulous shower." Alex admits with a groan as he sits on the stool by the counter. His hair is still wet, it looks darker when wet, he's wearing a white shirt and a navy pyjama pants. The smell of coconut literally washes out of him in waves.

"Do you use whatever coconut body wash you're using all the time?" I ask intrigued.

He chuckles. "I seem to be stuck in it, haven't been able to find anything that's better yet."

"You should stick with it, it's great, it suits you." I compliment breathing in more of the scent.

"Thanks Liz." He replies. I feel the warmth settle on my face, no one ever called me Liz, I like the sound of it. "Are you done packing?"

I nod. "Everything is ready. Also I'm going to be watching movies now in my room, do you want to join?"

"I'd love to." Alex grins. "I'll prepare the popcorn and snacks."

"Okay than, I'll just take a quick shower while you're busy." Alex nods and I head back to my room grabbing a pair of gray shorts and a loose green shirt that falls at my waist. The moment I get in the shower my body sighs in relief. My quick shower takes about 15 minutes, in my defense the hot water felt great and I didn't want to come out, when I come out of the bathroom, my bed is already prepared for the movie, with a tray that has a popcorn bowl and some other bowls with chocolates and the triple chocolate cookies sit on a plate.

"I decided that the cookies were too good to let them pass so I'm risking death and we'll eat them." Alex declares. "Now, which movie do you want to watch?" He sits on one side of the bed with a blanket at his feet.

I laugh and get on the bed pulling the blanket over with me and grabbing my remote. "Tonight is comfort movies night, so it's either any of the Harry Potter movies or Maze Runner movies or any of the disney live actions." I state.

"How about Beauty and The Beast?" Alex suggests.

"And you're okay with watching that?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He nods and I squeal excitedly and switch on the movie, I lean back while Alex switches off the main lights so that only the less brighter one is on, making it more cozy.

We finish the popcorn and cookies within an hour, by than I had absentmindedly leaned towards him and now my head was on his shoulder. I feel the exhaustion flow through my veins, I let my eyes shut close, let my body fall into the deep slumber.
When my eyes open, I'm curled up against Alex's side, his arm is around my waist holding me to his chest, I don't hear the TV anymore, I hear his soft breathing against my hair and soon enough I feel myself falling back to sleep.

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