Chapter 7

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The wedding was indeed gorgeous and as it was described, expensive. Apparently we're relatives of the bride, Alex managed to grab an invitation from one of the guests before we entered so that we wouldn't have to suffer to get in.
Everyone is dressed in formal wear which makes us the very awkward left out ones, with our very casual clothes that literally get people to look at us disgusted.

"We would request for everyone to take a seat at their designated table." Someone said over a mic, the people started filling random tables as the gossip was carried with them. I had a firm grip on Alex's hand as he pulls me to a random table that had 2 empty seats. "Thank you to all of you for coming." The bride and groom stood at the altar. A magnificent cake beside them, waiting to be cut and devoured. "Before the food, there will be some drinks and a few words." The groom says cheerfully, his arm was around his bride's waist and she had a beautiful smile on, with her blonde hair styled and her flowy white wedding dress  and her gorgeous veil.

I feel my heart yearn for something as I stare at the couple, the fizzy champagne gets my attention, I take a glass and Alex does the same, the smell of expensive champagne and perfume has me smiling as I make a note in my head of it.

During the champagne, a couple other relatives came up to say a few words, beautiful words in fact and after they were done, there was a round of applause before the food was announced and instantly there was servers coming out with trays of food, delivering on each table and laughter and chatting filled the beautifully decorated hall, lights strung down from the ceiling and a minimal amount of gold to all the white to make it classic.

I got a piece if steak cooked to just medium rare, I eat a bit but than hand the rest to Alex whom declines and says we should leave it because he didn't like the food neither.
"Now we can say it's time for everyone to hit the dance floor." The bride declares loudly and happily about half an hour later and as soon as she said it, the lights go out and small blue ones are switched on, making it feel more vibrant and more fitting for a dancing vibe.
Songs start playing and I grab Alex's hand. "We're going to go dance!" I exclaim as I pull him along.

Youngblood by 5 seconds of summer starts playing. The dance floor is quickly flooded, Alex spins me as the song goes, it's loud enough for it to fill my head, filling my entire body with adrenaline and excitement, someone bumps into me and I stumble back into Alex's chest just as his hands settle on my waist, he chuckles against my ear, sending vibrations down my spine, but doesn't stop the dance as he moves my body to the rhythm of the song.

Song after song went on like that, we danced and danced until we forgot that we have a trip tomorrow and that we're not part of the guests.
The came was being served but dancing seemed like a priority for now until Alex dragged me away when we bump into someone sending their drink right down their front shirt, the groom.

"I didn't see you there. I'm deeply sorry about it." Alex starts apologising.

"It's fine don't worry." The groom brushes it off, than he stares at us up and down. "I don't know who you are, did you come from my wife's side?" Alex nods and just than the bride is stepping beside the groom confused.

"Any problems?" She asks.

"Nothing darling, I just had an unfortunate accident with one of your guests." The groom says brightly, Alex and I give each other side looks knowing we're doomed..

The bride frowns. "They aren't from my side love."

The groom frowns confused as he stares at us. "Who are you people?"

Alex tightens his grip on my hand and than he smirks at the groom. "We're travellers, we're adventurers and we're leaving right now." He takes off in a run as I follow behind him, yelps and screams follow behind us. "Stay in my grip Liz." Alex orders from ahead of me as he keeps pulling me with him, I feel someone grab me but I quickly push them away as Alex kept on pulling me behind him, we bump into so many people. Someone bumps into me,  making me lose my step and I trip back and bump into the cake sending it to the floor.

I gasp at the unexpected event and I stop dead on my track losing the grip around Alex's hand and for a few seconds things slow down as I yell for Alex and he's beside me in a second, gripping my hand tighter. "Don't stop over spilled things." He says as he pulls me with him, a security guard comes in front of us and we had to push our way through him, sending him to the ground. We quickly get in our car as the people behind us also do the same.

Alex drives off first, a couple cars chase us and Alex speeds up hoping to divert them and a few minutes into the drive we're at a school, he kills the engine. "That's a school, we can't break in there." I comment holding him back before he gets out.

Alex turns to me and smirks. "We're supposed to be having the time of our lives for inspiration. Live with me Liz." Alex expresses, I groan defeated and Alex grins. "Let me take the car to the field." He drives around the school and soon enough we're in the middle of the football field.

I laugh to myself thinking about everything that has happened. "That was a lot of fun." I cheer as I get out of the car. "I have always wanted to crash a wedding."

Alex laughs as he lays down on the grass, he Pat's the place beside him and I lay down next to him, his hand reaches for mines and he interlocks our pinky fingers. We stared at the sky, full of bright stars. "This is exactly what we need for inspiration."

I hum in agreement. We lay there for a good while, both of us in a comfortable silence. I feel exhaustion forcing my body to give up, my eyes start drooping and I turn on my side laying my head on Alex's chest, his arm comes around me holding me to him.
I don't know when we went back to the hotel, when I opened my eyes again, I was tucked in bed.

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