Chapter 9

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It's yelling that woke me up in the middle of the night, I rub my eyes to get rid of the sleep.
I strain my ears to listen. "It's past 12, you both are not supposed to be staying out till this late!" My dad says angry. "Your mom has been worried sick and you 2 have been fucking around the town."

I frown and get out of bed, I head towards the living room and my dad turns to me along with my siblings. "Everything okay?" I ask confused, mom is nowhere to be seen.

My dad shakes his head and walks towards me, he drops a kiss on my head. "Sorry for waking you up." He than walks away, leaving my siblings and I alone in the living room.

I turn to face them and they groan and get up from the couch. "Sit back down." I glare at them moving closer. Both of them sit back down. "Now how about you both tell me what's going on." Cate shrugs while Chris stares blankly at the ceiling. "Is it any sort of friendship or relationship problem?"

Cate laughs sarcastically. "Why would you even think that we would come to you with that sort of problem? You out of everyone in this planet."

I frown. "I'm your sister, I will help."

Chris stands up. "No you probably won't, you're mom and dad's perfect daughter, you'll go tell them and than we'll be in bigger shit. So do us all a favour and stay out of our lives, like you've always done." He pulls Cate to her feet and and they walk out leaving me standing there shocked.

When I eventually make it back to my room, I'm no longer sleepy and instead my mind is filled with thoughts. I hear steps and movement right outside my room, I grab one of my books laying on the side table and tiptoe to the window hiding on the side of it, it slowly opens and I feel my heart increase its speed by 10, the moment the figure steps through the curtain I swing the book over its head.

"Fucking hell!" Alex whisper yells turning are and than accidentally trips backwards and falls on his ass.

"What on earth are you doing here?" I whisper back to him and on the light. Alex glares at me from the ground. "You gave me a bloody heart attack you imbecile."

Alex stands up with a roll of his eyes, I hold the book up and smack him on his shoulder, before I can go back for a second hit he grabs my hand and pulls the book out. "You would damage a book on me?"

I pause and tilt my head, than a burst of laughter breaks out of me and Alex lets go of my hand with a grin. "I'm sorry about that." I say smiling and make my way back to bed, Alex grabs my hand again and pulls me back.

"Hold up now Liz." Alex grins. "I came here with a purpose." I raise an eyebrow. "Come be my plus one at a party."

"You're crazy." I say with a sigh, Alex nods. "I need to rest Alex. Not tonight."

Alex groans and leans his forehead against mines. "And there's nothing I can do to change that?" I shake my head.

I pull back and place my hand on his chest. "Don't let me hold you from your party." I step away from his hold and get inside my covers.

"Are you sure you're just tired?" Alex asks and takes a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Yes, just tired. Now could you please leave so I can sleep." I tell him and turn away from him and cover my head with the duvet, i feel the bed shifting and than it dips right behind me, the duvet is lifted and I feel Alex draping his arm over my waist. "This isn't the time for jokes Alex." I say turning around to face him.

"I know and besides I'm getting crazy motivation right now so why don't you fulfill your part of the deal and let me use the inspiration." Alex says smirking as he reaches over for a random notebook and pen.

"You have the party." I remind him.

"I wanted to go to it for inspiration but my inspiration is wherever you are." Alex says with a shrug, I chuckle and rest my head on his chest. "Sleep Liz."

I nod and in a few short minutes I'm falling back to sleep.
When I wake up in the morning there's a note on the bedside table.

Party. Tonight at 11.
And of course, I'll be
at the beach later
on, 10AM, come for a swim!!!
Also, last night you smelled
of strawberries and
apparently I discovered
that coconut and strawberries
blend really well together;)

I find myself grinning at the note, I place it inside my notebook and get ready for the day.


I drop a kiss on my mom's cheek and grab a bowl for some cereal. Cate and Chris are eating their breakfasts and dad is gulping his coffee.

"Do you have any plans for today?" Mom asks.

I shrug and shove a spoon of cereal in my mouth. "Alex said I should stop by the beach later on and he's inviting me to a party."

"At what time?" Dad asks.

"Eleven. But I'll probably bail either way." I brush it off. Cate and Chris get up from the table and leave, I hear the front door closing. "They're mad at me as well."

Dad sighs and punches his nose. "I know they're going through some things, I just wish they would ask us or tell us about it so we can help them and bet there for him."
Mom's eyes seemed to have been flooded with tears that she quickly blinks out and wipes them away.

"Talk to us, tell us what you've been doing? Also why didn't you tell us that Alexander is actually the son of our best friends?" Mom asks smiling.
Dad agrees with her.

"I didn't even know you guys had friends." I say laughing and dad gasps. "And in regards to me, I have something to tell you both."

"What is it dear?" Mom asks.

"I don't want to carry on with my studies right now, well technically I left them months ago." I blurt, silence stretches across the kitchen and I'm tempted to shrink into myself. "I've been working part time to cover up any expenses I have."

"What have you been doing on that side than all this time?" Dad asks confused.

"Trying to open my own business." I explain.

"But your studies." Mom says concerned.

"At the moment, it feels like a burden to be studying so after this business launches and settles, I will think on finishing it." I assure them.

Mom and dad look at each for a few seconds and than back to me. "As long as you're happy and know what you're doing." Dad says with a sigh.
I feel my body relax and calm down, I jump to my feet and hug both my parents in a hug. "Also, I need you to be careful around bots and all, just because you're 19 doesn't mean you can sneak out or do other things." Mom and I laugh at my dad's warning.

"Don't worry dad, I have bigger priorities." I assure my dad.

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