Chapter 24

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I'm pretty sure my heartbeat could be heard in this silence.
Rage falls from Alex's face as guilt takes over. "I fell for you Liz and it hurt to watch you dance with him and smile at him because it made me realise that I'm not special and that someone else can make you smile and laugh." He takes a slow step towards me. "It hurt to watch because despite the fact that I encouraged you to dance with him, I realized that if I wasn't there you would have picked him."

He steps closer towards me and I look down but Alex tilts my face towards him. "It hurt to watch because I know that in a couple weeks I'm leaving for Manhattan." I frown confused. "My acceptance letter came through, the term starts earlier, I have to leave in 2 weeks if I want to get everything ready for the term."

I'm stepping back until my back is against the wall but Alex is stepping towards me until he traps against the with his arms. "I have loved you from the moment you laid on my chest in that school football field and I realized it so late."

Silence stretches between us for a few minutes before I get my brain to work. "You're an idiot and a moron." Alex shuts his eyes. "If you had just started with that than we wouldn't have fought over something silly." Alex frowns but I'm already pulling him down and connecting our lips, Alex's one hand falls from the wall and he grips my waist. I'm full of fireworks and explosions all over as the kiss becomes a core memory.

I pull back breathless. "I love you Alexander Sullivan, Nikolas may have spun me in a dance and made me smile but I choose you because when I'm with you, I feel like I'm home and at peace." Alex leans his forehead against mines. "So do kiss me again and help me get out of this dress so we can snuggle on the couch and watch a movie and laugh."

Than his lips are back on mines with so much raw love that I have to bring my arms to.the back of his neck to steady myself, his touch brushes over my lip and I gasp into the kiss, Alex slips his tongue instead mines and I moan into the kiss just as Alex grunts against me.
Than he pulls back for a few seconds before bringing his lips down on mines again, I can barely think of anything besides how perfect this feels.

I bring my hands up and grasp his hair, Alex grins in the kiss as his hand tightens on my waist, than he pulls back, his face is flushed and his eyes are gleaming. "How about we go change and go cuddle because if I have to keep kissing you like this-" Alex drops his voice lower and brushes his nose up my neck. "I might just strip you out of that dress and take you against the wall." My legs crumble beneath me but Alex is quickly pulling me to his chest.
Alex is laughing at me, his head buried in the crook of my neck and his laughter vibrates down my spine.

I smack his shoulder and roll my eyes. "I'd go with that second offer to be honest." I smirk, Alex pulls back with a gasp.

"Say words like that and I will do it." Alex says.

I bring my hands down to his shoulders and than one down his chest slowly, every muscle in his body tenses beneath my fingers and I reach his abdomen before I pull back. "Actually, I think I'm going to go with the first choice." I grin and step out of Alex's hold.

Alex laughs but than he's grabbing my hand again and he leans down to kiss me. "You're such a tease." He says against my lips.

I nod and peck his lips quickly before walking away. "Let's see if you can keep up." Alex smirks.


Alex lazily brushes his hand up my arm and down, I'm on top of him with my head right over his heart. We changed and didn't make it to the living room for the movie, we fell onto the bed in between our kisses and decided to just stay here.

"You're still with me?" Alex asks curious, I nod and look up at him. "I was thinking maybe tomorrow or basically today since it's way past midnight, we could head out, perhaps take the subway and go have some fun."

I think on it and than nod. "Sounds nice."

Alex brushes my hair to the back and than caresses my cheek. "Share your thoughts little witch."

"Do you think we'll see each other again?" I ask.

A look of sorrow and guilt crosses over his eyes but it's gone in a blink and replaced with a smile. "I know that no matter what happens, our paths will cross again, one way or another, we will find each other again."


Alex cuts me off with a kiss stealing my breath and he grins against my lip, without breaking the kiss he turns us around so I'm on my side than he breaks the kiss, my cheeks are heated and I chuckle breathless and bury my head in Alex's shirt, he laughs and presses his lips on the rope of my head. "You should rest Liz, we've had one very long night."

I nod and let Alex spoon me into him and soon I feel sleep pushing down at my eyes.
Alex's breathing slows down and his hand stops brushing up and down my arm and we both fall asleep.

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