Chapter 14

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"Elizabeth, can you get the door!" My mom yells from the kitchen, I yell back a yes and walk to the door and open it.

"Oh my, how very nice to see you again Elizabeth!" Mrs. Sullivan says and kisses my cheek, she hands me a platter of cookies. "Something sweet for after dinner." I nod and thank her before letting they enter.

Alex grins and hands me my car keys. "You're welcome little witch." He ruffles my hair and I roll my eyes. I take the platter to the kitchen and set it down with the desserts. We both than head to the living room where everyone else is, there's only one couch left, Alex gives me a side look with a smirk and before I can sit on it he's taking it. I glare at him and sit on the side handle.

The adults are chatting about God knows what, Alex's hand comes around my waist and I see Cate and Chris smirking at me. Alex shrugs it off and than he brings his other hand to my neck, he gently brushes the bruises. "Still hurts?"

"Barely feel it." I say. "I do although want to see the damage you did to Tyler." Alex snorts and laughs, I smack his shoulder. "I'm serious." Alex laughs, he tries to keep in his laughter so he places his head on my lap, I roll my eyes and give up, I run my hand through his hair and he turns his head to face me, I shrug. "Your hair is very soft." He rolls his eyes but keeps his head on my lap, letting run my hand through it.

"Elizabeth dear, could you bring the rest of the dishes to the table?" Mom asks, I nod.

"I'll do it." Cate offers. "Chris will help." I frown as they both grin. "Elizabeth needs rest." Mom and dad both frown confused as they two head to the kitchen. The adults go back to their topics and I decide to head out for air.

"I'm bored." I whisper to Alex. "Let's go to the garden." Alex hums in agreement and follows me out to the garden. "Come with me." I blurt.

Alex frowns. "Where, what do you mean?"

I step closer to him. "Come stay with me for the rest of the holidays, back at my place." Alex opens his mouth to say something but I cut him. "I know it's crazy, it's beyond crazy but I like being around you and you're great motivation."

Alex snickers. "If you're done, will you let me speak?" I nod feeling the heat creep up my neck. "I will come stay with you for the rest of the holidays." I sigh relieved and grin. "And you and I are going to have the best times of our lives."

"And once the holidays are over-" I start.

"We walk away from each other." Alex finishes.

Dread and hurt suddenly floods my chest but I nod. "We should head inside for dinner." I tell Alex. I step back but Alex pulls me back in, he leans his forehead against mines, I forget the deal, I forget everyone and it's just us, we're close, our breaths mingling together, he brings his hand up to my cheek, I lean in and Alex dkes the same.

"Dinner is on the table!" Mom calls and we're both snapped back to reality and we quickly step away from each other, only than did I realise just how hot my body had gotten, Alex breathes out and grins at me like nothing happened, he motions his head for us to go inside and I nod with a smile.

Throughout the dinner my mind is filled with thoughts, maybe it was nothing, we have been closer before, maybe I'm imagining things. Cate nudges me with her elbow breaking me out of my thoughts. "Can you pass me the bread?" I reach over for the bread and hand it to her.

"So Elizabeth." Mrs. Sullivan starts. "Your mom has been telling us that you want to start your own business."

I nod. "I just have a few more things I need to finish and hopefully by the end of the holidays everything will have been fully established."

"And you stay on your own?" Mr. Sullivan asks.

"I share an apartment with a friend." I explain. "I go back in a week or so."

"Already?" Mom asks sad.

I nod. "But I'll definitely visit soon." Mom sighs defeated. Than the topic drifts away from me and I get lost in my thoughts.

"Could you kids help bring the desserts out while we parents head to the garden?" Dad asks and we all agree. While we remove the dishes from the table and load the dishwasher, Alex barely looks at me and I'm filled with confusion.

We take the desserts outside and I excuse myself from the dinner claiming to not be feeling well, I head to my room and lock the door before laying down on my bed, I grab my phone and ring Camille.

"Where the hell have you been and what happened to your face?" She says as soon as she answers the call. "There have been no texts or calls from you."

I sigh. "I know and I'm so sorry, I got lost with things and forgot."

She brushes it off. "It's fine, now tell me what happened to your face?"

"I broke a guy's nose and than he smacked me but at least I broke his nose." I tell her and she screams. I end up telling her everything that happened so far, including what happened between Alex and I a while ago.

"Well maybe it was just something in the heat of the moment." Camille says. "Or you guys are falling for each other." She raises an eyebrow.

"Maybe it was just the heat of the moment, we have a deal not to get attached or anything." I say brushing it off.

"There's nothing there that says you both can't be together during this deal." She says raising an eyebrow.

"We don't like each other in that way." I explain. "We're simple friends with mutual agreements."

"My opinion is that you should kiss him and see his reaction." Camille suggests. "Or make him jealous."

I snort. "I don't have the time for that."

"Just don't get attached alright." Camille instructs, I nod. We end up talking and laughing for hours after that.
By the time we say goodbye, it's midnight and I realise there's a note on the floor by my door, I pick it up.


                 You're being my plus one to
                a family wedding tomorrow

I put the note with my notebooks and change into my pyjamas before crawling in the covers.
I spend hours turning and tossing in the bed before I eventually fall asleep.

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