Chapter 25

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"You have everything in your bag right?" Alex asks when we're nearing the subway, I nod. "Your water bottle?"

I dig through my bag. "Flipping snickerdoodle!"

"No water bottle?" I shake my head. "No worries, I will get you a bottle of water as soon as we reach the subway."

I grin. "I'm so excited for today!" Alex chuckles and nods.
Soon we're leaving the car and Alex buys me a water bottle before we get our tickets and than we're in the subway. "I've never been in a subway before." I admit.

Alex pulls me back so my back is against his chest. "Neither have I to be honest, but it seems nice so here we are."

"Ready to go on an adventure." I say and Alex nods and drops a kiss on the side of my head.
The subway starts filling up and Alex grips my hand and we take a seat, despite having Alex here I'm constantly checking around, my hands are fidgety and my legs start shaking as soon as the subway starts moving.

Alex draws small circles on my hand. "Here." He hands me his air pods, I frown as I take them and wear them, Alex presses play on his phone and there's a beautiful guitar tune playing.
I take out one air pod with a gasp and Alex smiles. "It's a whole 2 hours loop. It will keep you relaxed."

"Thank you so much!" I thank him excitedly and quickly peck his lips before plugging the air pod back in and my heart starts beating normally, I lean my head on Alex's shoulder and close my eyes, letting the tune fill my mind and body and calm me.

About an hour later, a group of 4 drunks step into our platform, they pull a girl out of her seat and they try to flirt with her but she's walking away quickly, everyone else turns a blind eye on this.
Alex sees me watching them and he gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. The drunks' attention drift around the platform and they land on us, Alex's body goes rigid beside me, his leg starts bouncing up and down as his eyes turn to the door but we haven't stopped at another station yet.

I remove the air pods and hand them back to Alex, he puts them back in his pocket, his leg is still bouncing up and down and I return the reassuring squeeze.
The drunks keep moving closer to where we're sitting and Alex changes my place with his but they're already on the seats across from us, their eyes rove down my body and they smirk and cheer, I'm holding Alex's hand tight and my other hand comes around his bicep.

"We'll step down on this station." Alex tells me and I nod, I start counting the seconds that pass in my head. "You have me with you." Alex whispers again my ear. "Nothing will happen."

I nod with a smile. "I know."
One of the guys decide to stand up and walk up to us, he stands just a few feet away but the distance is enough to have me gagging. "Hey there sweetheart, my friends and I have been thinking you'd make a pretty good pass time." Alex stands up abruptly, our hands drop but he's pushed the guy back to where he sat.

"Say anything else and I'm ripping your tongue out and shoving it up your ass!" Alex threatens and lets go of the guy's shirt before walking back to his seat, he takes my hand again and drops a kiss on the side of my head. "So close to losing it and pulling them all apart."

"I'm sure we're about to stop soon." I tell him and Alex nods as he resumes the small circles on my hand.
A few minutes later we're stopping and Alex and I stand up, the drunks seem to be whispering something, Alex drops my hand as he bends down to pick something and he hands me his phone and in that one second a horde of people are rushing to exit the platform, the drunks included, I reach for Alex's hand but I barely graze his hand as I get sweeped by the people out of the platform, I can just barely see Alex trying to push past the people.

I can hear him yelling for me as I try to push back but than someone's foot comes in my way I'm falling back, the platform closes and I see Alex looking around frantically but the subway is already leaving.

I'm muttering a numerous amount of No's as I get up and look around the foreign place, someone bumps into me from the back and I turn around only to find one of the drunks, the other 3 right behind him. "Well hello there sweetheart, how very nice of you to be here." He says with a smirk.

I'm already stepping back but they're forming a circle around me, everyone that passes turns a blind eye and I feel the tears sting my eyes but I blink them away.

I broke Tyler's nose, how hard can it be to run away from 4 drunks that look like they're going to be haunting my dreams.
One if them pounced and grabs my hand, I pull it away from his grasp but another one is grabbing me around my waist and trying to pull me away. "Let go of me you ugly bastard." I hiss at him and swing my bag at him, he grunts but doesn't let go, I try to kick them but one is already grabbing my legs and than I'm being swung over one of their shoulders.

"This is going to be one feisty meal." One the drunks say and they all agree to this.

"Although a very delicious one." Another drunk says and I feel someone's hand go up my thigh, I quickly push my feet back and I hear a yell. "This bitch is mines first." The guy says angry.

And than they're throwing me down and I groan at the pain, we're in a secluded sort of back room type of space with only one door, a drunk takes the position by the door while the other 3 smirk at me, I push myself up and make a run for it but they grab me and slam me against the wall, than his lips are on mines and I'm positive I just vomited as his tongue enters inside my mouth, I try to shove his chest away, tears blur my eyes and run down my cheeks.

He pulls back only to drag his mouth down my jaw and to my neck where he bites on it, I'm screaming for help and crying at the same time as I try to push him off, he shoves my head again the wall than brings his mouth to the back of my ear, his hands are gripping my waist and than he's sliding his hand under my shirt before trying to tear into it.
He pulls back but only enough for his other buddy to join, his other friend is unbuttoning my jeans, he slips his hand inside my jeans and my underwear, I'm trashing against them and screaming.

The guy at the front is screaming getting the other's attention as they step back, my vision is too blurry from the tears and I slide down the wall burying my head against my knees, there's more screams and yelling but I can't get myself to focus until someone touches my shoulder and I look up.
The lady quickly raises her hands, behind her a man steps back giving me a nod, the drunks are all passed out. "What's your name love?" She asks gently, I try to reply but only sobs escape. "You're safe." She says and throws her arms around me for a hug. "Do you want me to take you home?"

I shake my head. "I got separated from my boyfriend at the station." I explain in between sobs. "I want to go back to the station." I mumble and she nods.

"No worries, we will help you to it." She says.

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