Chapter 2

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"My caramel milkshake." I say softly, staring down at my now caramel milkshake covered shirt.

"I'm sorry, oh God, I'll pay back the milkshake." The guy says frantically, I look at him, his eyes and messy hair are the same shade of light brown, almost like amber brown, his hair looks like he's been trying to make it look perfect, maybe for some special occasion given the fact that he is wearing a tuxedo. "I didn't see you there, I swear." He says with a sigh.

"It's fine." I brush him off, I also feel short compared to him even if he's barely half a foot taller than me. He's about to say something when Kyle comes.

"Everything okay, are you hurt?" He asks concerned and glares at the guy whom looks very confused at Kyle.

"I'm fine, I'll just go home and change." I tell Kyle. "I'll go clean up in the bathroom." Kyle nods before going back to the kitchen, I turn back to the guy.

"Wait here for a few minutes, I have a spare shirt in my car and than you can change and I'll buy the milkshake." He insists, I nod and he leaves the coffee shop, my shirt is now very sticky and completely stuck against my chest and I feel the dread and worry creep up, I pull the shirt from my chest. I can feel each second pass and than a minute, 2 minutes, than he is dashing back inside the cafe.

He hands me a red shirt bundled up into a ball. His cheek are tinted slightly pink and he brushes the back of his neck. "I may have worn the shirt earlier today but it's the best I've got." He admits nervously.

"It's fine." I say before walking to the bathroom. Only when I enter the quite bathroom do I realise that my heart is beating way too fast and I feel my breaths coming in short.

Breathe El, in and out.

In and out.

In and out.

I remove my shirt, roll it in lots of tissue and stuff it in my bag, I clean my chest with some tissue before sliding the shirt in. A sense of calm washes over me as the smell of coconut and freshmint, and cologne fills my nose. I pull out my small notebook from my bag and quickly jot down the scents and a smile just dances on my lips as I shut my bag close and leave the bathroom.

I search the cafe for the guy and find him seated in my usual place, staring out into the street, his tie is fully undone, his hair looks normal of sorts, more casual like. Right opposite him sits a caramel milkshake. I walk to the table and as I reach it he looks up, he looks tense but his eyes still soften as I take a seat opposite him. Rose comes and places an iced coffee in front of him.

"I'm sorry about your shirt." He comments.

"It's fine." I brush it off and go back to the milkshake. "And thank you for the shirt as well."

"Are you from here?" He asks, I nod. "Do you often come to this coffee shop?" I nod again. Silence stretches between us and I keep sipping my milkshake. "Please say something, did I hurt you by any chance, I swear that I didn't mean it."
He rambles and rests his head down on the table with a groan. His hair cascades down his head in golden brown waves. I reach over and drag my fingers through it and he quickly sits up confused.

"It feels and looks very nice. Do you keep a routine for it?" I ask intrigued.

He frowns still confused. "My hair?" I nod. "You want to know if I have a routine for my hair?" I nod again. "No, in fact I am very positive the shampoo I use was the cheapest I could find by the gas shop."

"You're not from here?" I ask tilting my head, he leans back on the chair taking his coffee cup in his hand and sips it slowly.

"I was supposed to have been interviewed for a job at some weird company." He explains. "I live in Trews Town."

I gasp. "Trews Town?"

He nods. "A bit far from here, 18 hours-"

"I was born there." I cut him off excitedly. "My family lives there."

A smile forms on his lips. "I go back tomorrow."

I squeal. "Me too, I drive back there tomorrow."

He laughs. "I have a desire to ask you if you would like to do a car trip together because I have no desire in doing it alone."

"Yes, can we?" I blurt. He stares at me. "I'm bored and need someone to ramble with me and share snacks with me." I shrug.

"But I don't have my own car at the moment, I'm using a borrowed one." He comments.

"I have my car, we can go together." I suggest. "Pretty please with milkshake on the side. You do owe me a milkshake after all."

"I paid the milkshake already." He tilts his head and his hair falls to the side, there's this glint in his eyes as he thinks on my request. "Sounds like a brilliant plan." He agrees.

"This is so exciting!" I say with a blissful sigh and finish the rest of my milkshake. "And it's getting late so I should head home. I need to pack." I grab my bag and stand up, I wave at Kyle and he waves back. "Are you staying close by?" I ask him as we exit the cafe.

He nervously rubs the back of his neck. "I planned on sleeping in my car tonight and than I was supposed to return the car by the morning and than walk to the bus and head back home."

"Stay by my place than." I suggest with a shrug.

He raises an eyebrow, his cheeks bloom with colour. "I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage of you in any way and that I'm like every other guy, because I'm not but that's what they say as well and-" I cut him off by pecking his cheek. He brushes his fingers over his cheek. "What did you do that for?" He asks confused.

"I saw somewhere that it's the quickest way to shut someone up and needed to try it out." I reply with a grin. "Now can we head to my place?"

"Won't your boyfriend get pissed off or something, I seriously have no desire to die tonight?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

I frown confused. "Boyfriend?"

He nods. "The guy back in there, he seems very close to you. The dude at the cashier."

I laugh. "Kyle is nothing more than a friend. I have no boyfriend and no time for that sort of distractions in my life." I hold out my hand. "Elizabeth Quinn."

His eyes glint with amusement and he shakes my hand. "Alexander Sullivan."

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