Chapter 26

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They sat with me for hours at the station, they did the talking, I mostly just sat there in the blanket with my thoughts scattered, I can't even remember their names, they don't force me to take part in their conversations but they keep chatting between them.

Until another subway stops, I search for Alex and our gazes meet at the same time, I'm out of the blanket and sprinting to him just as he strides towards me, I crash onto Alex with a gasp and sob as he envelops me in a heartbreaking hug, he pulls back to examine me and than I see rage on his face. "Oh God, what did they do to you Lizzy?" He whispers, his voice breaking and I let my tears roll down my cheeks, Alex pulls me back to him. "You're safe now." He mumbles over and over as he bends down and lifts me onto his arms.

I look over to thank the couple but there's no one there. "There was a lady that saved me." I say trying to look around for someone.
But we're already stepping into our platform, Alex sits me down on the seat and I bring my knees to my chest.

"Do you want me to go look for them?" Alex asks as he stares out the windows.
I shake my hand and Alex takes the seat next to me, his grip on my hand tight. I could still feel the men on me and I could still taste the disgust in my mouth, I bury my head in my knees. No words pass between us, the subway stops and we're walking to my car, Alex's hand still holding mines and he only lets go when we get to my car.

I'm too scared to say anything so I just stare out the window until we reach home.
I'm heading straight to my bedroom the moment we walk through the doors home, I slip my shirt out and my jeans out, I open the water in the tub, letting it fill.

Alex grasps both sides of my face. "Talk to me Lizzy."

I shut my eyes. "I can feel them crawling all over my skin, I can still smell them on me." I bite back a sob. "I need the bath, I need to get them off me." Alex nods and than I'm pulling back and Alex unclips my bra just as I step out of my panty, I slip inside the tub.

Alex sits on the edge of the tub and helps me as I scrub every part of me raw, than I just sit there, i place my head on Alex's lap, he keeps pouring water slowly down my back. "Did they-" I'm shaking my head before Alex can finish the sentence, than I'm pulling back and standing up, Alex holds out the towel for me to step into than he presses his lips to the side of my head. "Hungry?" I nod and he gives me a sad smile as he leaves the bathroom.

I dig out some comfortable pyjamas, a grey shirt with light blue pants, I see the bruises and I absentmindedly brush my fingers over them.
I sigh and lower my shirt before walking to the kitchen, Alex was humming something and the moment he sees me he smiles. "We're going to have to settle for leftovers for tonight but I promise you tomorrow I will make you whatever you want."

I nod and connect our lips, Alex blows out a relieved breath against my lips as he hoists me up on the counter earning a gasp from me.
Than he pulls back and leans his forehead against mines. "I'm sorry Lizzy, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have taken you on the subway, I shouldn't have let go of your hand-" I cut him off with another kiss.

"It was not your fault." I say against his lips and locking our lips in a kiss that sets me on fire, Alex's hand drifts to my waist as he tries to tug me closer to him, his other hand is on my face, grasping it, tilting my head so he can have more of me, like he's intoxicated by me.
My hands interlock with his hair and he groans against the kiss, his hand slips inside my shirt and than to my back and he pulls me impossibly closer.
His tongue slips inside my mouth, devouring me, he bites down on my lip and I moan, his hand drifts from my back down to my thigh and he wraps it around his waist, he does the same with my other leg.

His lips leave mines only to drift down my chin and I tilt my head up taking big gasps for air, his lips are going down my throat, his hands meet the bottom of my shirt and he pulls back long enough to slide it over my head and than his lips are heading down my chest and than his lips are latching on my nipple and I have to grasp the counter with one hand whilst the other tightens on his hair, I can't get a full breath in as my moans echo through the kitchen.

Alex brings his lips back up, his chest is hard against mines and I shut my eyes at the sensation that ripples through my body, when his lips connect back to mines, they're greedier as he tries to snatch my very soul from inside out, than he pulls back gasping muttering a string "oh God".

"Carry on Alex." I say breathless.

Alex dips his head to the crook of my neck taking deep breaths. "You're hurt Lizzy."

I groan. "But-"

"No buts, you need food and rest." He looks up and than leans his forehead against mines. "I'm drunk on your taste Liz." He brushes his thumb over my bottom lip. "But right now you need rest and food." Than he grabs my shirt and slides it over me, than he grasps both sides of my face and he pecks my lips than he's helping me get down from the counter.

We heat up the left overs and place everything in the counter and than I remember. "I forgot to tell you something." I tell Alex grinning.

"What is it?" He asks curious.

"I have a meeting with Nikolas tomorrow at 8 AM, he wants to open a partnership with my business." I say excitedly.

Alex is striding towards me and embracing me in a hug and he twirls me around, both of us laughing. "Liz, this is fantastic news!"

I nod and despite everything that happened today, I'm content.

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