Chapter 23

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Everything is going past in a blur as I try to finish my orders, Alex decides to quit his job to help me and simply because I insist, he gets a salary for working with me.
The function is tomorrow, I have my dress picked and Alex has his suit, the only thing left to do with the candles is to package them which we plan on doing tonight, we eat snacks here and there but are never having a full meal with all the work we had to do these past few days.

Sometimes Alex will play something while I work and than he'll write down something in his notebook and than he's helping me, sometimes we have music playing and Alex will occasionally spin me and dip me and we laugh against each other.

But right now I'm freaking out for tomorrow and Alex has to give me one of his hugs that has me melting into him, it's his I-should-let-him-carry-my-stress type of hug and I gladly take it, he drops a kiss on the side of my head. "You'll finish in time, the function will go great." I nod and let myself relax against him for a few minutes before I pull back and we get on with the work.


We finish everything at around 3 in the morning, my brain is just barely working and I can see Alex struggling to stay awake as well, we end up not eating anything and fall asleep as soon as we hit the bed.


The morning of the function, the first thing we do is load the candles in my car and than Alex insists on me getting some food despite the anxiety creeping through my veins making me nauseous.

The drive to the function is even more stressful and it's long but Alex interlocks our pinky fingers to ease my stress.
We arrive at the company and Nikolas greets us cheerfully, he shakes mine and Alex's hand. "I can't wait to hand the candles out!" He says cheerfully, his people bring over trolleys and they load the candles on them.
As soon as they're all out of my car, Nikolas is transferring the rest of the money to my account. "I hope you're comfortable to the function tonight, I wish to have a dance with you." I nod with a smile than he's walking away.

"Now we can go home and get dressed for this function." Alex states and I nod getting in my car.


"Liz, we're going to be late." Alex calls from the living room.

"Yes yes, I'm just grabbing my purse." I reply as I hang my bag on my shoulder, my gold-champagne sequin gown flows like water around me, I walk to the living room as the tap of the heels echo my heartbeat. "All done." Alex spins to look at me and I see the most pure reaction, his mouth opens and closes multiple times and he blinks shocked.

"I'm-" Alex says flustered. "I'm not sure I have the words to compliment you Liz, you look beautiful."

I do a small curtsy. "Well thank you, you look quite stunning yourself." He's wearing a grey and black suit with a black tie, Alex chuckles and holds out his arm for me to hold as we walk to my car.

The drive to the the company was smooth, I mostly watched the stars, Alex would occasionally glance at me from the side and I let the colour rise to my cheeks.
Alex opens my door and he holds out his elbow and I hook my arm through his elbow. "I'm nervous Alex." I whisper as we step through the doors.

"You will have me beside you at all times." Alex reassures me and than we're in the party, someone serves us a very expensive champagne that has my nerves chilling slightly.
The place is crowded, everyone is chatting, everyone is wearing expensive clothes.

We finally spot Nikolas whom waves us to him, the moment he sees us, he's hugging me and shaking Alex's hand. "I am so happy you both made it, I have been dying to introduce you to people but first-" Nikolas says and than the room's lights darken. "A dance with you?"

Alex nudges my ribs and I glare at him as I take Nikolas hand. "I'll gladly dance with you."
He grins and walks me to the dance floor, people part ways for us and space out so that we have enough room to dance, Nikolas turns me so we're facing each other and than his hand comes to my waist and the other grasps my other hand up, at the proximity I can smell the hint of cinnamon on him mixed with the not so strong cologne.

The waltz starts and Nikolas is quick on the dance, he keeps his gaze on me and than leans down so his breath is against my ear. "I wish to take you out for dinner tomorrow." I nearly stumble but Nikolas is quick to hold me and keep up with the dance. "You have caught my eye, not only do I want to help you with your business, I also wish to get to know you more, of course only if you're comfortable."
I'm tempted to say yes, I'm smiling at Nikolas when he pulls back but than my gaze locks with Alex at the back, he's frowning, he drowns his champagne keeping his gaze on us.

"Everyone is in love with you candles and the scent is amazing." Nikolas compliments.

"Thank you, but I can't take all the credit, my friend is the reason I've gotten this far with the business." I smile as Nikolas is taking me for a spin, my dress swishes and flows and than he brings me back to his chest and I chuckle.
A few more spins and turns and steps and the song ends with Nikolas dipping me and bringing me back to his chest than he pulls back and drops a kiss on my hand with a bow.

"I await your answer Elizabeth." Nikolas says smiling, I nod and we both walk our own ways.
I look around for Alex but don't spot him, someone offers me some appetizers and I take one. I still haven't spotted Alex and this place is full, I don't know where anything is or who all these people are, they keep stepping on my dress but than I feel Alex wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm here, breathe." He whispers against my ear and than he steps back and I turn to him with a glare, before either of us can say anything someone is shaking my hand and asking me questions about my business. I pass like that for a good hour, everyone wants to know more but despite that I find myself putting more focus into trying to find Alex.

I finish talking with the last set of people and than I'm back to searching for Alex, I find him by the champagne section. "Can we go home, my feet hurt?" I ask him. "Unless you've been drinking, I can drive if you want."

Alex shakes his head and walks ahead of me. "I'll drive." He mumbles as we walk to the car, he opens my car door and helps me get my dress in before walking to his side and getting in as well.
The drive home is dead silent, I can hear the blood running through my veins. We reach home and Alex helps me up the stairs, he doesn't look at my eyes.

"You're being weird Alex." I blurt. "What's wrong?" Alex sighs and heads for my bedroom but I quickly reach over and grab his hand pulling him back. "What on earth is wrong with you?" I ask again.

This time he stares into my eyes and I see emotions flooding his eyes but blinks them away. "You wouldn't understand Liz, I'm tired and need sleep." He mutters and than he's turning the other way.

"For God's sake you're acting like a child." I snap annoyed. "Is it because of the dance with Nikolas."

Than he's snapping around to face me as rage floods his eyes. "You were at ease in his arms."

"So you're jealous of that, because I was comfortable with another guy." I fume.

"You won't get it." Alex retorts.

"Than make me understand because I swear to God, I'm so close to-."

"Because I love you!" Alex shouts.

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