Chapter 17

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"What are your plans for today?" Cate asks.

"I have a date in a couple hours." I tell her and break the eggs in the bowl.

Cate gasps. "With Alex?"

"What with Alex?" Chris asks walking in the kitchen.

"Eli has a date today with Alex!" Cate cheers.

"Not with Alex you idiot. With a child crush." I clarify for them, both of them groan.

"That's not nice, where are you guys going?" Chris asks.

I shrug. "I think we go to the movies. Alex has an appointment and than by the time his appointment and my date ends, we will meet up."

"Actually, we're all going to the Sullivans tonight." Dad says walking in the kitchen, cate and Chris cheer. "I think since both Eli and Alex leave tomorrow, they want to have dinner together."

"Well now that seems like a lot of fun." I admit and place the cake in the oven.

"We should do something while we're waiting for Eli's date." Cate says.

"You have a date?" Dad asks, I nod. "With Alex?"

I groan. "Why is everyone guessing Alex? It's with a childhood crush called Nathan, Alex and I are just friends." Dad puts his hands up.

"We should definitely do something." Chris says.

"We can just watch a movie." I suggest and Cate and Chris nod.

"I have a few things I need to do but good luck on your date." Dad says and waves us off.

"What are watching?" Cate asks.

"I call dibs on picking the movie." Chris says and than the both of them break into an argument, I grab some snacks and take them to the living room. Eventually they also come and Chris picks the movie, I think it was something from DC, I barely paid attention to it.
I left to go take out the cake from the oven and go get ready for my date, I end up wearing a black jeans with a light blue plaid shirt and black sneakers. My bag is still packed from last night, I check my phone but there's no message from Alex, he hasn't replied to my previous messages neither.

I shrug it off and stuff my phone in my bag, shortly afterwards, Nathan is knocking on my door and I greet my siblings before meeting him, he greets me with a hug and a kiss on my cheek.
"I'm so excited for the movie." He says.

"I'm excited for it as well." I smile at Nathan, he opens the car door for me and closes it. "What movie are we watching?"

"It's a surprise." He grins and I chuckle. "Tell me more about you."

I think on it. "Well besides the fact that I no longer stay in town, there isn't much." I say with a shrug. "What about you?" And than he starts talking about how art has filled his life and that he hasn't had time to do anything else and he went on and on until we reached the cinema.

Nathan picks a random movie, the movie itself was quite nice and fun, definitely humorous but despite it, I found myself not enjoying the company as much as I should. Nathan holds my hand and walks me back to my car. "I was thinking maybe we could go to my home, we can order some takeaway and chill."

"Sounds like a brilliant plan." I agree and Nathan beams excitedly, the drive to his house is filled with his chatting and I fill in here and there. We reach his home and I sigh relieved, there doesn't seem to be anyone else in the house, I leave my bag on the hanger and I try my best not to appear awkward, Nathan comes from behind and wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head in the crook of my neck. "Your home is beautiful." I tell him.

"Thank you." He mumbles against my neck, he pulls back and turns me to face him, he connects our lips and this time I don't feel my heart do a flip but I kiss him back, maybe the effects of the kiss are delayed. The kiss becomes heated and his hand gropes my ass as his tongue enters my mouth, he's walking me backwards and I feel the couch, I fall back on it without him breaking the kiss. He drags his lips down to my jaw and than to my neck, his hands fumble with the buttons of my shirt and he manages to get 5 open.

His lips are back on mines as he tries to open the rest, I'm flooded with this instant panic and I pull myself away from him. "No wait, just wait." I gasp out, Nathan quickly stops and pulls back.

"What's wrong Eli?" He asks concerned. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with."

I take deep breaths. "I'm not ready for this. Can you please take me home."

He looks hurt but quickly smiles. "Of course, no worries." I stand up and close my buttons, my hands shake as I try to close them, my hair is everywhere, I pull it up in a ponytail and grab my bag, the moment I step out of house my lungs expand. Nathan doesn't say anything as he drives me back home and he only speaks when we're outside my house. "I didn't mean to push you Eli." He says.

"It's fine, I panicked and needed to walk away." I brush it off. "Don't worry about it." I peck his cheek and walk out of his car, I wave at him one last time and than enter my house.

"How was it?" Cate asks the moment she sees me, I groan and sit down on the couch. "Your hair is disheveled, your buttons are wrongly closed. Did you have sex?" She asks.

I shake my head. "I think we were getting on it but I panicked." I tell her. "I panicked and I didn't know what to do so I told Nathan to drop me back home."

"Any reason why you panicked?" Cate asks.

I sigh. "I don't know."

"Get some rest or get some food in your system. The dinner isn't for another few hours." Cate says worried.

"I'm going to Alex's." I tell Cate, she raises her eyebrows and I brush her off, I grab my car keys and send a text to Alex.

On my way to you, leave a window open and get some snacks.

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