Chapter 18

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I find the window open and I haul myself over it, my leg get stuck in the bush and I pull it but end up scraping it against the wall but I manage to pull myself up and into Alex's room.
He's sitting on the floor shirtless, earphones plugged in, he's playing an unknown tune with his guitar.

I tap his shoulder and Alex quickly turns around surprised. He removes his earphones and stands up. "You gave me a frickin heart attack." He states and than pulls me in a hug. "Why are you even here, shouldn't you be frolicking around town with your lover? Or did you already frolic?" He asks the last part with a little smirk, I roll my eyes and flop down on his bed. "How was the frolicking?" I shrug. "Oh come on, tell me more. Did he do it right? Are you happy? Did you enjoy yourself?"

"I panicked." I cut him off, Alex stares at me confused, I sit up on his bed. "We were getting on it and everything was great but than I panicked."

Alex tilts his head. "He didn't force you?" I shake my head. "He didn't hurt you or anything else?" I shake my head, Alex sighs and sits down next to me, I lay my head on his shoulder and he hangs his arm around my shoulder. "Maybe he's not the one for you, maybe with him there would be lots of attachments and feelings."

I sigh. "Maybe." I feel the burn in my leg and I pull my leg up to examine it, I find a scratch the size of my hand, bleeding.

"What in the bloody hell happened?" Alex asks concerned.

"I was climbing your window and got stuck and scraped it, it's not that bad." I explain.
Alex takes my hand and pulls me to his bathroom, he closes the toilet seat and pushes me down on it. "I'm fine." I say rolling my eyes.
Alex glares at me and he sits down on the floor, he opens a cabinet at the bottom, he takes out a small box with what I'm guessing is the first aid kit and in the process a few bottles of pills fall out. Frustration fills Alex's eyes, he places the bottles back and closes the cabinet with more force than he should. "Did they eat your breakfast?" I whisper. Alex looks at me confused. "You look like you're about to murder the bottles."

Alex chuckles. "They keep falling down every time I open it." He brushes it off than grabs my foot and extends it, he gently dabs the scratch with some cotton and alcohol.

"You have a first aid kit in your car as well and in your room." I tell Alex.

"There's one in the cabinet underneath the sink in the kitchen as well." Alex adds.

"That's a lot of kits for one house." I say.

Alex shrugs. "Mom likes to be safe." Silence passes between us as Alex finishes cleaning my scratch. "All done." He says cheerfully.
While he's putting the kit away I head to his room, the papers on the floor catch my attention, I reach for one and before I can read it Alex is snatching it away. "You're not supposed to be reading that." I see the light pink taking over his ears.

"It's your song?" I ask with a gasp, I reach for another set of pages, Alex tries to reach for them but I quickly jump away, I try to read it but Alex is pulling me back, I squirm out of his hold and manage to just barely read.

I wished for time
I wished for life

But Alex is on me again and than he's snatching the pages away causing me to accidentally lose my step and I stumble backwards, I hold on to Alex's shirt and accidentally send us both toppling on his bed, Alex falls with a grunt just as I groan at the weight on me.

The pages were still in Alex's hand, I try to squirm out from underneath him but Alex merely grins and pins my hands down above me. He reaches over to his night stand and puts the pages inside, keeping me locked in, he lifts himself with his elbow and I breathe. "Oh God, what do you eat? You could have squashed me."

Alex rolls his eyes. "It's your fault." Neither of us make an attempt to move and a part of my head doesn't particularly mind him on top of me, Alex's breaths are coming in short and he leans his forehead against mine, his eyes flutter close.
I call Alex softly and he just smiles. "I forgot to eat after the appointment. My sugar level is probably low or something."

"Do you want me to go get you something?" I ask worried.

Alex shakes his head. "Just need a minute." And we stay like that for more than a few minutes, eventually Alex had laid down beside me, his head on my chest, his breathing had slowed down, neither of us spoke, I just kept running my hands through his hair just as he kept making small circles on the side of my ribs.

"Alexander!" His mom calls and before either of us can get up, the door opens. "Your sugar is low, the alarm is beeping." Alex and I scramble to get up just as his mom looks up, I feel the heat all over my body, Alex quickly sits up and I do the same. "Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt-"

"Mom there's nothing here." Alex says but his mom was already grins at us. "My sugar was low and I just needed a break." I have no doubt my face is as red as a strawberry.

"Come down for a snack." His mom smiles. "Both of you." She adds with a grin. "Unless you want me to bring them up here."

Alex shakes his head. "We'll be down in 2 minutes." His mom nods and leaves the room with a little bounce on her step. Alex grasps both sides of my head and drops a kiss on my forehead. "You're adorable when you're all red."

I groan and push Alex off. "I'm positive I had a heart attack." Alex laughs and takes my hand.

"Snacks, come on." He throws on a red shirt and than we're both walking down to the kitchen.

His mom was in the kitchen and she just grins at us. "If you guys need anything, than you can just tell me. I have some things to buy for tonight." She drops a kiss on Alex's cheek and than walks out.
We eat the cookies and sandwiches and drink some juice.

"How was the appointment?" I ask.

Alex shrugs as he gulps down some juice. "I'm as healthy as a baby."

"And your sugar level was-" I start.

"Was only low because i couldn't eat in the morning before the appointment and than when I came back, I forgot to eat." Alex finishes with a grin, I sigh relieved. "Now we can head back up and maybe I will play you something." I jump from the stool excited and throw my arms around Alex.

Up in the room, I sit on the floor with Alex, he plays a beautiful tune on his guitar, something original, he looks so peaceful while playing the guitar, everything looked perfect, I reach for his phone and click a quick picture of us. Alex just smiles at me. He plays for hours, he tries to teach me but I fail miserably at playing it so he keeps playing the guitar, occasionally humming along.

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