Chapter 19

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"What did you two do all this time?" Mr. Sullivan asks during the dinner, dad nods and looks at me, Cate and Chris just smirk at me from opposite us.

"Nothing much." Alex says with a shrug, his mom grins at us and I feel the heat on my face. "I mostly played and wrote, Liz just daydreamed about her non romantic life." I gasp and smack his shoulder, Alex's body vibrates with his laughter and I roll my eyes.

"We didn't do much." I clarify.
After that everyone talked about the most random things, the laughter that fills the dining room is definitely something that I would call core memory, everything about this moment was perfect.


Mrs. Sullivan greets me off with a tight hug. "I'm so happy to have finally met you Elizabeth, I do hope you visit often." I nod smiling.

Alex does his forehead kiss, his lips linger on my forehead for 2 seconds longer than usual. "Thank you for stopping by, I will pick you up with your car bright and early. 6."
I nod and than we're going home.

"Alexander is a nice kid." Dad says, everyone in the car agrees with my dad. "I hope we get to see more of him." I roll my eyes and just watch the lights go by.


I lay in bed, trying to get my brain to shut off, I have packed everything for tomorrow including the snacks. I toss and turn, I reach for my phone just as I hear a ping.

I'm sort of wishing we could have left now.
But anyways, goodnight little witch.
(Don't forget your water bottle)

I'm grinning at the message, I decide to ring Camille. She picks up after rings. "Shouldn't you be asleep?" She asks suspiciously.

I snort. "Well hello to you too."

Camille laughs. "What is it? How have you been?" We end up talking for hours before I fall asleep.


Alex is here at 5 58, he takes my things to my car. I greet off my family and I catch dad giving having a talk with Alex before they let us go, by the time we leave it's already 6 20.

"We will stop for breakfast in a few hours." Alex says and I nod, my head hurts from the lack of sleep and my eyes are barely open. "Any reason you're dying?"

I laugh and pull my knees up to my chest. "I couldn't sleep last night and than ended up talking with Camille till very very late."

Alex chuckles. "How about you get some sleep and than I'll wake you up when we stop for breakfast."

I think on it and than nod. "Sounds like a nice plan but you better wake me up, I'm starving." Alex rolls his eyes, I push my chair back until it's completely flat. "I'm using your sweater as my blanket." I tell Alex as I reach for it in the back, I lay down and cover myself with the sweater.
In a few minutes I'm deep in sleep.


Alex nudges me awake. "Breakfast time." I groan and cover my head with the sweater. "Fine than, you're not getting any waffles with ice cream, chocolate and caramel." I speak my head slowly through the sweater and Alex is grinning at me. "Come on, I'm dying of hunger." I sigh and sit up, my muscles are stiff so I stretch my arms over my head.

"For how long have we been driving?" I ask Alex.

"I don't know, about 4 hours." I gasp and Alex grins.

"Why didn't you wake me up, you've been alone for 4 whole hours." I say with a glare.

Alex chuckles as he locks the car and we walk in the cafe. "I very much prefer you asleep."

I gasp and push him. "That's very mean." I say. Alex is laughing at me, I push past him and walk ahead but Alex grasps my hand and pulls me back, he drops a kiss on the side of my head.

"You seemed very deep in sleep, I didn't want to disturb you or anything." Alex says smiling.

"Oh." I say embarrassed. "Well in that case, you are forgiven." Alex chuckles and we take a seat.
The waiter comes to give us our menus, I skim through it trying to find something to eat.

"Have you decided what you want to get?" Alex asks, I shake my head, the waiter is back by us and my leg starts shaking. "We need more time, I'll call when we decide." Alex tells the waiter.

I sigh relieved. "I'm sorry, I just panic every time I have to order and I don't know what to get and it's stressful and-"

"And you're going to do a fabulous job, take your time." Alex says with a smile. "Take your time to pick, we have no rush." While I'm busy searching the menu, Alex makes me a paper butterfly.

"I have decided." I say, he calls over for the waiter.

"I'll take the double meat sandwiches with a side of orange juice." Alex tells the waiter.

The waiter turns to me. "I want the love me waffle." The waiter nods and walks away. "I ordered without stammering or panicking." I say more to myself.

When I look at Alex, he's filming me, I feel the blush creep up my neck and Alex chuckles. "You did fabulous."


We stop for the night at a town 5 hours away from home. Alex checks us in a hotel and than we head out to search for food.
We find a karaoke place, it's a bit full but a couple had told us they have the best food in town so we decide to go for it.

A waitress takes us to our table. She hands us our menus. "I will be back with you to take your orders." She says and walks away. I look over the menu not feeling hungry.

"You good?" Alex asks.

"I don't know if I want to order or what I want to eat." I tell him with a sigh. "Pick something for me, I need the bathroom." Alex nods and I make my way to the bathroom, I bump into people everywhere but finally reach it.
A group of girls gather outside the toilet I'm in gossiping. "There's no way the guy isn't new. We would have known if he was local."

"He could have a girlfriend. He walked in with a girl."

"Oh come on, be real, a guy like that with a girl like that."

"Maybe he's using her."

"Or she's being paid to suck his dick." I bite back my tongue as tears flood my eyes.

"We should test it out." They leave the bathroom laughing and giggling. I leave the bathroom a few minutes after. The girls are nowhere to be spotted but I make my way back to our table.

Alex frowns. "Liz, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just got soap in my eyes." I say quietly, I grab a tissue and wipe the tears away.

Alex reaches over for my hand and I pull it away. "Did someone hurt you, did someone say anything Lizzy?" Alex asks worried, he looks around the place.

"It's nothing, I swear. It's just the soap." I say quietly.

"Than why won't you look at me?" Alex says Impatient, I look up and his eyes search mines for any clue of what happened. "Talk to me."

I open my mouth to speak but than the flashlight is on us. "And now it's karaoke time." The diner breaks into a round of applause and cheers.

"Liz-" Alex starts but than a group of girls cheerfully come, definitely the girls from the bathroom, they throw themselves at Alex and he quickly pushes them off. "What the fuck!" I see his eyes darting around the room.

"It's karaoke time and you've been chosen for it, it's either that or a kiss with me." A red haired girl says with a smirk. Alex turns his gaze back to me and I shut my eyes not wanting to see the kiss, the bar is still cheering.

"I'll do the karaoke." Alex says pushing the girls off him and stands up, all of them groan annoyed.

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