Chapter Thirty-One: The Finale

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Happy couldn't even start to describe how I felt that Hiccup was okay. I felt again the rush of helplessness as I stared into his eyes. He bent back my head across his arm and kissed me, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made me suddenly cling to him like he was the only solid being in this swaying realm of nightmares.

A sort of gag echoed through the chambers around around us. "Go suck on one another somewhere else." Pitch demanded.

Out of nowhere, a black hole opened up and started to suck the both of us in. The two of us were ripped apart and thrown to the ground. I clawed at the floor trying to grab onto anything I could. As the darkness closed over me I was thrown through the air and onto the floor. I was completely clueless and unaware of what floor but I didn't move an inch. I could hear as Hiccup moaned in pain only a few feet away. I grumbled as I rubbed the sore spot that was now on my shoulder.

"Where are we?" I groaned.

Hiccup replied, unsure. "I think we're back at my place..."

I sat up and, sure enough, Hic was right. A knock at the door and he was already to his feet. I gave uo and fell onto my back again, draping my arm over my eyes. The door creaked and footsteps stormed into the room.

Whoever it was immediately started to yell. "Where the hell have you been?!"

I uncovered my face and looked out, meeting with the angry eyes of a young blonde. Astrid nearly ran at me and lifted me by my collar.

"Woah!" I yelped. I swore I could see flames in her eyes.

"Listen here, buddy!" I could tell she was dead serious. "if you got Hiccup hurt I will rip your head from off your shoulders! Got that?!"

I nodded so fast I feared that I might have gotten whiplash. Astrid was the scariest girl I think I had ever come across and when she threatened me I could hear the asperity.

Hiccup was quick to intercept, breaking Astrid away from my neck. "Hey, hey, hey! Everything's okay!"

Astrid huffed, rolling out her shoulders. She turned to Hiccup, holding her stern look. "Where were you? Your mom thinks you're dead!"

Hiccup lifted his hands up in defense. "It was just a bit of a tussle, no biggy."

"A bit of a tussle? Hiccup, when it comes to you there's no such thing as 'just a bit of a tussle'"

Hiccup kept his mouth shut this time, because even I knew that if he got into trouble that it was big.

He shook his head. "Well- it doesn't matter! I'm safe!" He scratched the base of his neck, taking a deep breath.

"And what about you?" Astrid scowled at me. "How did you contribute to this?"

I stuttered, as I was slightly intimidated by her. "I- uh- I saved him?"

Hiccup threw his head back and dropped his shoulders as he growled. "Really, Jack?"

"What?!" I huffed. "I sorta did."

Astrid was now in a panic. "He saved you from something? From what?"

Hiccup froze for a moment as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. He scratched his jaw and attempted to avoid any eye contact with either of us. "The... uh- boogeyman?"

Astrid looked at him like he had some kind of mental problem. "Are you serious?" She turned to me. "Is he serious?"


Sixth Year's Snow (Hijack/Frostcup)Where stories live. Discover now