Chapter Eighteen

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Toothless moaned and wailed in complaint as we walked through the path in the woods.

"No, we can't do anymore flying tonight. We've both had a long day, Bud. We both need sleep."

Nightfury stopped in his tracks and plopped down in the middle of the path. He put his nose up and refused to look at me, being stubborn in protest,

"Come on!" I yelled, "get up!" I pushed his back, though he didn't move an inch. "Toothless! Get up!" Pressing my back on him, I dug my heel into the dirt, attempting to get him to move. I struggled but the dragon was much stronger than I was.

"Need some help?"

I was startled but immediately recognised the voice.

"Jack! Yes! This stu- AHH!"

Toothless dashed out from under me, making me fall back. He jumped around Jack, playing tug-of-war with his staff.

"Sorry," I mumbled, picking myself up, "he's still in the mood for play."

Jack laughed and tugged on the handle as the dragon continued to play. A flash of ice burst at the tip, shocking Toothless. Nightfury yelped and took a jump back, rubbing his nose with his big paws.

"Aww!" Jack laughed, "I'm sorry babe! I didn't mean to scare you!"

Tooth only grumbled in reply.

"How about we just go to bed and then we can play in the morning, yeah?"

Tooth picked himself up and started to slowly drag himself down the path again.

"Good boy!" Jack chuckled.

"Thank you." I brushed off the remaining dirt from the legs of my pants and straightened out my prosthetic.

"No problem. He just needed a little bit of the ice touch."

He walked after Toothless, and I followed soon after.

After walking Nightfury back, and telling goodnight, jack decided to walk me home.

"I'm fine!" I insisted, "I walk this path by myself everyday."

Jack refused, insisting that he'd take walk me back, whether it be with consent or by force. We talked a bit on the way though. We conversed about the dragons and various viking heroin. Jack told be about an old tale which told about the past of Nicholas North. He was a great hero when he was younger, but it was likely just a myth.

We arrived not too shortly after his story had ended. He took me inside, leading me to my room, as if I had forgotten.

"Well, I guess I'll go then. Goodnight." Jack turned to exit, although I grabbed his shoulder. "Hm?"

"Don't blame what happened to my leg on yourself. I was the reckless one."

"But I was the one who wasn't there for you!"

There was a long silence between the both of us. Jack stared at the floor as I slowly removed my grip from his arm.

"Were you really that worried about me?" I looked deep into the icey blue eyes in search for the love I had never believed was there.

"You don't know what you have 'til it's gone." Jack smiled weakly. He picked up my hand from his shoulder and laced his fingers with mine, linking our hands together. "I just wasn't sure. You're the first and only person to believe. I didn't think it was possible that the first person to touch me would be the one I'd fall in love with..." his smile slowly faded as he stared down at our hands. His hands were brisk and dry, and the cold emanating from his skin nipped at my fingers. "I love you Hiccup... I know I'm not very physical, but, that's only because this is the only contact I can make. I just don't know how-"

"I love you too Jack. Don't doubt that anything you do will stop me from loving you."

It was silent, dark. The air in my bedroom stood still for a moment. Jack took a deep breath and wrapped both his hands over mine. He slowly bent his head and layed a soft kiss on my knuckle. "You must be tired." He sighed. "It's been a long day. You should get some rest."

I quickly tightened my grip on his hand, "will you stay with me?" I begged, "just for tonight?"

He looked a little shocked at first, but his expression softened. I led him to the bed, and I layed down. I moved over, patting the newly empty space beside me. Jack slowly layed down nest to me, his shoulders and knees stiff. He layed there like a log. I decided to just roll over and leave him to sleep. But, I felt a cold hand reach over me, pulling me close to the cold chest that layed behind me. "Jack?"

"Shh..." he whispered, "don't say anything about it."

I obeyed, laying my head back down and nuzzling into my pillow.

"Goodnight." I murmered before languishing in his arms.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I've been busy. So Guys, I understand I don't proofread most of the time, but could y'all please not piss and moan about it so much? I literally got a PM listing off spelling, grammatical and "plot errors". I can't be bloody perfect.

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